WPTRC | Journal Articles

Western Pacific Tropical Research Center | Journal Articles

2018 Publications

Golabi, M.H., S. Manibusan, T. Righetti, D. Okano. 2018. Using vetiver grass technology for mitigating sediment loads in the Talakhaya Watershed in Rota, CNMI. International Soil and
Water Conservation Research Journal, Vol.6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iswcr.2018.03.001

Gawel, A. M., H. S. Rogers, R. H. Miller, A. M. Kerr. 2018. Contrasting roles of non-native ungulates in a novel ecosystem.
Royal Society Open Science 5: 170151. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.170151.

Novotny, R., J. Davis, C. J. Butel, M.K. Boushey, C.R. Fialkowski, Nigg, K.L. Braun, R.T. Leon Guerrero, Coleman, A. Bersamin, A.A.R. Areta, L.R. Barber, T. Belyeu-Camacho, J. Greenberg, T. Fleming, Dela Cruz-Talbert, A. Yamanaka, L.R. Wilkens. 2018. Effect of the Children's Healthy Living Program on Young Child Overweight, Obesity, and Acanthosis Nigricans in the US Affiliated Pacific Region: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA Network Open.
https://doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.3896.

Novotny R., L.R. Wilkens, C.R. Nigg, K. Braun, J. Butel, A. Areta, P. Coleman, T. Belyeu-Camacho, Greenberg, A. Bersamin, R.T. Leon Guerrero, L.R. Barber, M.K. Fialkowski, E. De la Cruz-Talbert. 2017. Effectiveness of the Children’s Healthy Living (CHL) Multilevel Multicomponent Community Intervention Program in 5 US Affiliated Pacific Jurisdictions. The FASEB Journal. 31:640.37.

Marler, T.E. and P.N. Marler. 2018. Rhyzobius lophanthae behavior is influenced by cycad plant age providing odor samples in
Y-tube olfactometer. Insects 9:194. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects9040194.

Marler, T.E. and M.V. Krishnapillai. 2018. Does plant size influence leaf elements in an arborescent cycad? Biology 7:51. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology7040051.

Marler, T.E. 2018. Leaf damage by phytophagous beetles alters Terminalia catappa green and senesced leaf chemistry. International Terminalia catappa green and senesced leaf chemistry. International Journal of Insect Science 10:1-5. https://doi.org/10.1177/1179543318797329.

Marler, T.E. 2018. Stem carbohydrates and adventitious root formation of Cycas micronesica following Aulacaspis yasumatsui infestation. HortScience 53:1125-1128. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI13170-18.

Marler, T.E. 2018. Axial and radial spatial patterns of non-structural carbohydrates in Cycas micronesica stems. Plants 7:49.

Marler, T.E. 2018. Coconut leaf age and coconut rhinoceros beetle herbivory influence leaflet nutrients, metals, and lignin. Horticulturae 4:9. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae4020009.

Marler, T.E. 2018. Host tree identity influences leaf nutrient relations of the epiphyte Dendrobium guamense Ames. Horticulturae 4:43. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae4040043.

Marler, T.E. and A.N.J. Cascasan. 2018. Carbohydrate depletion during lethal infestation of Aulacaspis yasumatsui on Cycas revoluta. Int. J. Plant Sci. 179:497-504. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants7030049.

Marler, T.E. and A.J. Lindström. 2018. Scouting the Philippines for Cycas. Memoirs New York Botanical Garden 117 :519-528. http://dx.doi.org/10.21135/893275389.033.

Marler, T.E. and A.J. Lindström. 2018. Inserting cycads into global nutrient relations data sets. Plant Signaling and Behavior 13: https://doi.org/10.1080/15592324.2018.1547578.

Marler, T.E., A.J. Lindström, W. Field. 2018. Range, density, and threatened status of Cycas nongnoochiae. Memoirs New York Botanical Garden. 117: 86-94. http://dx.doi.org/10.21135/893275389.008.

Marler, T.E and M.V. Krishnapillai. 2018. Cycas micronesica trees alter local soil traits. Forests 9:565. https://doi.org/10.3390/f9090565.

Marler, T.E. and R. del Moral. 2018. Increasing topographic influence on vegetation structure during primary succession. Plant Ecology 219: 1009-1020. https://doi:10.1007/s11258-(671) 018-0853-z.

Dongol, N. and T.E. Marler. 2018. Season and frequency of Cycas micronesica leaf and reproductive events. Memoirs New York Botanical Garden. 117:497-503. https://doi:10.21135/893275389.031.

Terry, I., C. Calonje, M.S. Calonje, T.E. Marler. 2018. Thermogenesis patterns in selected Cycas species. Memoirs New York Botanical Garden. 117:410-432. DOI:10.21135/893275389.027.

Marler, T.E. 2018. Bi-directional acclimation of Cycas micronesica leaves to abrupt changes in incident light in understory and open habitats. Photosynthetica 56:776-785. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11099-(671) 017-0730-3.

Marler, T.E. 2018. Elemental profiles in Cycas micronesica stems. Plants 7:94. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants7040094.

Faouzi, M., R.P. Neupane, J. Yang, P. Williams, R. Penner. 2018. Areca nut extracts mobilize calcium andrelease pro-inflammatory cytokines from various immune cells. Scientific Reports 8:1075. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-18996-2.

Freedman, M.G., R.H. Miller, and H.S. Rogers. 2018. Landscape-level bird loss increases theprevalence of honey-dew-producing insects and non-native ants. Oecologia. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-(671) 018-4273-5.

Martinez, M., M. Marutani, J.A. Soria. 2018. Characterization of crude and biodiesel oils of Jatropha curcas and Calophyllum inophyllum in Guam. Micronesica 1: 1-15.

Marutani, M. 2018. Calamansi (× Citrofortunella microcarpa) for potential citrus fruit
production for the island of Guam. Acta Horticulturae. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1205.49

2018-2016 Publications PDF