2021 UOG Conference on Island Sustainability

2021 Conference on Island Sustainability

2021 UOG Conference on Island Sustainability

  • 2021 University of Guam Conference on Island Sustainability April 6-9, 2021. A virtual event.


Under the weight of human illness, biodiversity loss, debilitating storms, and swallowing seas, islands are not sinking.

Strong and resilient, ISLANDS ARE RISING. 

Image of traditional blessing

Traditional navigators remind the world that islands were never isolated. Oceans connected us for millennia. Now, a vast network of undersea fiberoptic cables make islands some of the most digitally connected places in the world. While the pandemic dictates that we plant our feet one place on the ground, we connect across the planet on screens to share glimpses of what a brighter tomorrow could look like. Islands Are Rising. 

Since the start of non-indigenous colonial periods, islands suffered high rates of chronic conditions and communicable diseases. During the most   challenging global health pandemic, islands are among the safest places in the world. Islands Are Rising.  

Introduced to global linear economic models, islands lost capacity for the local production of food and goods. Recognizing the vulnerability of supply chains, islanders are rapidly expanding agriculture, manufacturing, and the transition to a circular economy. Islands Are Rising. 

Marketed as exotic destinations, islands became tourism-dependent economies. With travel at a stand-still, islands are innovating with green growth and economic diversification strategies. Islands Are Rising.

In solidarity, islands unite in common purpose through the Local2030 Islands Network and other organizations to advance the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Islands are distant, but they are not alone. Together, Islands Are Rising.

 University of Guam logo; Governor of Guam logo; Local2030 Islands Network logo