Share your ideas with NASA!

Share your ideas with NASA!

Share your ideas with NASA!


Apply for NASA’s PI Launchpad workshop and get your mission idea off the ground!


Calling all researchers and NASA enthusiasts in the University of Guam community! If you are interested in developing a flight mission proposal for NASA but unsure how or where to begin, consider applying for the PI Launchpad.

The Launchpad is an invitation-only, three-day workshop hosted by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD), the University of Arizona, and the Heising-Simons Foundation. This event will give participants step-by-step lessons on developing a science case for their mission proposal, building a team, networking, and earning support from main NASA operations.

The workshop will take place Nov. 18-20 in Tucson, Arizona, and applications are due Oct. 4. Selected applicants will be granted an expenses-paid trip, to include travel, meals, and lodging. Between 35 and 40 applicants will be chosen.

Researchers of any background are welcome to submit an application, but those in disciplines related to NASA’s SMD, such as earth science, astrophysics, and planetary science, are particularly encouraged to apply. The workshop hosts also encourage people from underrepresented minorities to submit an application.

Apply for the PI Launchpad Workshop

For more information about the workshop, please visit or email


Take on the NASA SUITS 2020 Challenge!

Are you a University of Guam student or faculty member interested in helping NASA develop crucial technology to get a team of astronauts on the moon by 2024?

The space agency has announced its NASA Spacesuit User Interface Technologies for Students (SUITS) 2020 Challenge, in which teams will be tasked with designing and creating spacesuit information displays to help astronauts train in managing a series of tasks through augmented reality environments. Once a team makes it past the development phase, they will be invited to the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas to test their creation. The user interface will require components that will allow astronauts to traverse the lunar surface under extreme physical and mental conditions.

The deadline to submit a proposal is Oct. 25. For a broader description, eligibility requirements, or other information on the NASA SUITS 2020 Challenge, visit or email