Dean Margaret Hattori-Uchima stresses the importance of staying home

Dean Margaret Hattori-Uchima stresses the importance of staying home

Dean Margaret Hattori-Uchima stresses the importance of staying home


If the coronavirus were a song, we’d all have the chorus memorized: Stay home. It’s the catchy hook and main message that keeps getting repeated. We know the tune and sing the words, but it seems that we’re not really paying attention to the lyrics.

If one of the following statements sounds familiar, please read on or pass this along to the people that need to know this song.

“I’m just going to see my family.”

It is best to limit our interactions as much as possible. If you don’t live with them, you should not go out to see them during this pandemic, even if they’re family. It is safer for them and for you to stay home. You wouldn’t want to put yourself or your loved ones at risk. If one person gets the virus, we can prevent it from spreading if we know that person has only come into contact with the people in their home.

“The situation doesn’t seem that bad.”

It’s hard to believe what we can’t see, especially when Guam is as beautiful and peaceful as ever. But the threat of an overwhelmed health care system is very real, and we all need to work together to ensure Guam continues to be our beautiful, peaceful home. It is reported that we only have a total of 250 hospital beds. Dr. Felix Cabrera predicted that we could need as many as 6,000 hospital beds by June. If we decrease the spread by 50%, he predicts we will still need 1,000 beds at a peak in August. That’s still 750 more beds than we have. The more people who stay home, the fewer people will need to be in a hospital.

“I’m young and/or healthy, and I’m not afraid of getting sick.”

As with most measures recommended to prevent illnesses – such as getting the flu shot and other vaccinations – they are not only for you as an individual. They’re for the safety of everyone else. This virus, in particular, is more contagious than other viruses, and you could be spreading it to others for days before knowing you have it. Even without any symptoms, you can still spread the virus to others who may have a worse, or potentially deadly, outcome.

“I still need to get things done.”

Most businesses or agencies that you need to visit are extending deadlines to pay bills or other processes. Please contact your respective institutions by phone or email, and most will be willing to accommodate you either online or at a later date. Essential errands, like grocery, pharmacy, and gas runs, should be kept at a minimum and preferably be done by one person who is not at high risk.

Life, as we know it, has changed. But it’s important to remember that this situation will not be forever. If we all do our part, we can reduce the impact of this virus on our community, as other countries have done by taking early and strict precautions. We must cooperate to defeat this invisible enemy.

So let’s all get on the same sheet of music and sing in perfect harmony – “Stay home.” 

Margaret Hattori-Uchima is the dean of the School of Health at the University of Guam and holds a doctorate in nursing from Villanova University.