UOG Press and Aquarium of Guam hosts book launch promoting marine life conservation

UOG Press and Aquarium of Guam hosts book launch promoting marine life conservation

UOG Press and Aquarium of Guam hosts book launch promoting marine life conservation


Photo of Steven LeFever, author of Tåsi, Tano, and Pulan
Photo of Steven LeFever, author of Tåsi, Tano, and Pulan

The University of Guam Press is launching a new children’s book titled Tåsi, Tano, and Pulan by Steven LeFever and illustrated by Constance Sartor.

The books tells the story of twins, Tåsi and Tåno’, who form a special friendship with a turtle named Pulan. When Pulan goes missing, the twins are confronted by the challenges facing Guam’s sea life, highlighting the urgent need for environmental protection and the importance of preserving the island's ecosystem.

LeFever hopes the story will inspire youth to stay connected to nature and preserve and conserve our wildlife. “I hope the younger generation stands on the shoulders of generations prior to hold onto the values most important to us and adjust the less favorable facets in our culture to promote a more sustainable living now and in the future.”

UOG Press partnered with the Aquarium of Guam, formerly known as Underwater World, to host the book’s launch on Sat. Apr. 27, 2024 from 10am to Noon. The event will include an author reading and book signing with LeFever and is free and open to the public.

LeFever will also be hosting a writing workshop that explores writing with creativity and intuition.

“I believe everyone has a capacity to create and that creating and honing the skills that we are naturally good at and that we can develop a passion for are as essential and necessary as eating and sleeping,” says LeFever.

The workshop will be held at UOG Press on Fri. Apr. 26, 2024 at 5:30pm. The workshop is free and open to the public, and supplies will be provided. Spots are limited.

Participants are encouraged to RSVP for the writing workshop at https://forms.gle/6nmAxucMzfbVT57e8.

Tåsi, Tano, and Pulan is available online at uogpress.com for a special pre-order price of $12. Sales in local bookstores and on Amazon will begin after the launch.

For more information, please contact UOG Press Publicist Via De Fant at (671) 735-2153 or defantv@triton.uog.edu.

About University of Guam Press

The University of Guam Press publishes an array of academic and literary books and journals with a specific focus on the unique history, environment, peoples, cultures, and languages of the islands that make up the Western Pacific region. Visit uogpress.com to learn more about them and browse their wide selection of local art and literature.