Extension Impact

Extension Impact

Extension Impact


Higher education, including Cooperative Extension & Outreach, has gone through a monumental shift in FY 2020. The worldwide pandemic of corona virus has changed the scope of delivery of education, even in self-directed learning. The long-term mission of engagement has not changed – conduct research to address issues and deliver information to people for use in their daily lives.   Access to quality information in a digital format is probably more important now for citizens to address their concerns. Long-term engagement through community processes, youth mentoring, and educational materials access are still fundamental to digital engagement. Impact on lives of citizens of Guam, immediate and long-term, is the Extension mission.


4H - The Catch


4H - Hand Sanitizer

4H - 03

4H - Charter Day

ANR - 04

ANR - The Fresh Choice

ANR - 02

ANR - Sustainable Ag.

ANR - 03

ANR - Micro-plot

ANR - 04

ANR - Pesticides

ANR - 05

ANR - Right Place

ANR - 06

ANR - Agriculture

ANR - 07

ANR - Enabled Gardens

CD - 01

CD - Capacity Building

CD - Big Data

CD - Big Data

CEO - 01

CE&O - Strategic Initiatives

CEO - 02

CE&O - Epsilon Sigma Phi

CFS - 01

CFS - Cover Up


CFS - 02

CFS - Nutrition Education

CFS - 03

CFS - Food Safety

CFS - 04

CFS - Literacy and Nutrition

CFS - 05

CFS - Our Youth, Our Future

CFS - 06

CFS - Family Resiliency