Marine Laboratory | Papers


  1. ADAIR, C. N. 1968. The presence of the fungus Pythium acanthicum Dreschsler in soil on Guam. Micronesica 4:363.
  2. TSUDA, R. T. 1968. Distribution of Ulva (Chlorophyta) on Pacific Islands. Micronesica 4:365–367.
  3. TSUDA, R. T. 1968. Some marine benthic algae from Marcus Island, Bonin Islands. Micronesica 4:207–212.
  4. CHESHER, R. H. 1969. Destruction of Pacific corals by the sea star Acanthaster planci. Science 165:280–283. 
  5. CHESHER, R.H. 1969. Divers wage war on the killer star. Skin Diver Magazine 18(3):34–35, 84–85.
  6. JONES, R. S. 1969. Book review: B. Halstead, Poisonous and venomous animals of the world, Volume 2: Vertebrates. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1967, 1090 p. Copeia 1969:412–415.
  7. VERMEIJ, G. J. 1969. Observations on the shells of some freshwater neritid gastropods from Hawaii and Guam. Micronesica 5:155–162.
  8. BELK, D., & HOTALING, D. 1971. Guam record of the freshwater medusa Craspedacusta sowerbyi Lankester. Micronesica 7:229–230.
  9. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1971. Recent Pacific bibliographies.   Micronesica 7:238–239.
  10. FALANRUW, M. V. 1971. Conservation in Micronesia. Atoll Research Bulletin 148:18–20.
  11. JONES, R. S. 1971. Book review: B. Halstead, Poisonous and venomous marine animals of the world, Volume 3: Vertebrates. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1970, 1006 p. Copeia 1971:581–583.
  12. JONES, R. S. 1971. Two nonfatal shark attacks in the Truk District, Eastern Caroline Islands. Micronesica 7:230–233.
  13. MERTEN, M.J. 1971. Ecological observations of Halimeda macroloba Decaisne (Chlorophyta) on Guam. Micronesica 7:27–44.
  14. TSUDA, R. T. & RANDALL, J. E. 1971. Food habits of the gastropods Turbo argyrostoma and T. setosus, reported as toxic from the tropical Pacific. Micronesica 7:153–162.
  15. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1971. Starfish control teams in Micronesia. Marine Parks Journal 18:9–13. (In Japanese)
  16. CARLSON, C. H. & HOFF, P. J. 1972. The genus Chelidonura from the Marianas Islands (Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea). Veliger 15:20.
  17. JONES, R. S., RANDALL, R. H., CHENG, Y. M., KAMI, H. T., & MAK, S. M. 1972. A marine biological survey of southern Taiwan with emphasis on corals and fishes. National Taiwan University, Institute of Oceanography, Special Publication 1:1–193.
  18. PETERSON, R. D. 1972. Effects of light intensity on the morphology and productivity of Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh. Micronesica 8:63–86.
  19. TSUDA, R. T. 1972. Marine benthic algae from Truk and Kuop, Caroline Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 155:1–10.
  20. TSUDA, R. T. 1972. Marine benthic algae on Guam.   I. Phaeophyta. Micronesica 8:87–115.
  21. TSUDA, R. T. 1972. Morphological, zonational, and seasonal studies on two species of Sargassum on the reefs of Guam. Proceedings of the 7th International Seaweed Symposium, Sapporo, Japan:40–44.
  22. TSUDA, R. T. & BELK, M. S. 1972. Additional records of marine benthic algae from Yap, Western Caroline Islands.   Atoll Research Bulletin 156:1–5.
  23. TSUDA, R. T., LARSON, H. K., & LUJAN, R. J. 1972. Algal growth on beaks of live parrotfishes. Pacific Science 26:20–23.
  24. BRYAN, P. G. 1973. Growth rate, toxicity, and distribution of the encrusting sponge Terpios sp. (Hadromerida: Suberitidae) in Guam, Mariana Islands. Micronesica 9:237–242.
  25. BRYAN, P. G. 1973. Three new shark records from Guam, Mariana Islands. Micronesica 9:159–160.
  26. CARLSON, C. H. & HOFF, P. J. 1973.   External description of a living Aranucus bifidus(Odhner, 1936) (Opisthobranchia: Dendronotacea). Veliger 15:172–173.
  27. CARLSON, C. H. & HOFF, P. J. 1973.   Two new species of Gastropteridae from Guam, Marianas Islands (Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 21:141–151.
  28. CHENEY, D. P. 1973. An analysis of the Acanthaster control programs in Guam and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Micronesica 9:171–180.
  29. CHENEY, D. P. 1973. Cell proliferation as an index of growth in corals; incorporation of 3H–thymidine.   Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 20:285–297.
  30. CHENEY, D. P. 1973. Pearlfish (Carapidae) in Acanthaster planci (L.). Micronesica 9:159.
  31. KAMI, H. T. 1973. A new subgenus and species of Pristipomoides (Family Lutjanidae) from Easter Island and Rapa. Copeia 1973:557–559.
  32. KAMI, H. T. 1973. The Pristipomoides (Pisces: Lutjanidae) of Guam with notes on their biology. Micronesica 9:97–117.
  33. MARSH Jr., J. A. & TSUDA, R. T. 1973. Population levels of Acanthaster planci in the Mariana and Caroline Islands, 1969–1972. Atoll Research Bulletin 170:1–16.
  34. MOORE, P. H. 1973. Composition of a limestone forest community on Guam. Micronesica 9:45–58.
  35. RANDALL, R. H. 1973. Coral reef recovery following extensive damage by the "crown–of–thorns" starfish, Acanthaster planci (L.). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 20:469–489.
  36. RANDALL, R. H. 1973. Distribution of corals after Acanthaster planci (L.) infestation at Tanguisson Point, Guam. Micronesica 9:212–222.
  37. RANDALL, R. H. 1973. Reef physiography and distribution of corals at Tumon Bay, Guam, before crown–of–thorns starfish Acanthaster planci (L.) predation. Micronesica 9:119–158.
  38. RUPP, J. H. 1973. Effects of temperature on fertilization and early cleavage of some tropical echinoderms, with emphasis on Echinometra mathaei. Marine Biology 23:183–189.
  39. SMITH, S. V. & MARSH Jr., J. A. 1973.  Organic carbon production and consumption on the windward reef flat of Eniwetok Atoll. Limnology and Oceanography 18:953–961.
  40. TSENG, W. –Y. 1973. A preliminary study on zooplankton in the waters of Guam. Laboratory Fisheries Biology, Taiwan Fish Research Institute Report 24:1–9.
  41. TSUDA, R. T. & KAMI, H. T. 1973. Algal succession on artificial reefs in a marine lagoon environment in Guam. Journal of Phycology 9:260–264.
  42. TSUDA, R. T. & BRYAN, P. G. 1973. Food preference of juvenile Siganus rostratus and S.   spinus in Guam. Copeia 1973:604–606.
  43. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1973. Early life histories of coral reef asteroids, with special reference to Acanthaster planci (L.). Pages 369–387 in R. Endean & O.A. Jones, editors. Biology and Geology of Coral Reefs. Vol. II, Biology 1. Academic Press, New York.
  44. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1973. Recruitment of coral reef asteroids, with emphasis on Acanthaster planci (L.). Micronesica 9:207–212.
  45. CARLSON, C. H. & HOFF, P. J. 1974. The Gastropteridae of Guam with descriptions of four new species (Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 21:345–363.
  46. CHENEY, D. P. 1974. Spawning and aggregation of Acanthaster planci in Micronesia. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Coral Reefs, Australia 1:591–594.
  47. CHENEY, D. P. 1974. The influence of temperature, dose level and morphology on the uptake of ³H–thymidine by reef corals. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Coral Reefs, Australia 1:69–75.
  48. MARSH Jr., J. A. 1974. Preliminary observations on the productivity of a Guam reef flat community. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Coral Reefs, Australia 1:139–145.
  49. TSUDA, R. T. 1974. Seasonal aspects of the Guam Phaeophyta (brown algae). Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Coral Reefs, Australia 1:43–47.
  50. TSUDA, R. T. & DAWES, C. J. 1974. Preliminary checklist of the marine benthic plants from Glover's Reef, British Honduras.   Atoll Research Bulletin 173:1–13.
  51. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1974. Effect of elevated temperature on the metabolic activity of the coral reef asteroid, Acanthaster planci (L.). Pacific Science 28:139–146.
  52. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1974. Growth of juvenile Acanthaster planci in the laboratory. Pacific Science 28:123–138.
  53. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1974. Larval life span of the coral reef asteroid Gomophia egyptiaca Gray. Micronesica 10:57–64.
  54. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1975. Estimating growth parameters from growth rate data: Problems with marine sedentary invertebrates. Oecologia 20:321–332.
  55. ALLEN, G. R. & LARSON, H. K. 1975.   Pomachromis guamensis, a new species of damselfish (Pomacentridae) from the Mariana Islands. Micronesica 11:123–126.
  56. BELK, M. S. 1975. Habitat partitioning in two tropical reef fishes, Pomacanthus lividus and P. albofasciatus. Copeia 1975:603–607.
  57. BELK, M. S. & BELK, D. 1975. An observation of algal colonization on Acropora aspera killed by Acanthaster planci. Hydrobiologia 46:29–32.
  58. BRYAN, P. G. 1975. Food habits, functional digestive morphology, and assimilation efficiency of the rabbitfish Siganus spinus (Pisces: Siganidae) on Guam. Pacific Science 29:269–277.
  59. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1975. Biological research in the Bonin Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin (185):34–37.
  60. FITZGERALD Jr., W. J.  1975. Movement pattern and phototactic response of Mopaliaciliata and Mopalia muscosa in Marin County, California. Veliger 18:37–39.
  61. JAMESON, S. C. 1975. Toxic effect of the explosive depth charge chemicals from the ship SANKISAN MARU on the coral reef fish Dascyllus aruanus (L.). Micronesica 11:109–113.
  62. JONES, R. S. & CHASE, J. A. 1975. Community structure and distribution of fishes in an enclosed high island lagoon in Guam. Micronesica 11:127–148.
  63. KAMI, H. T. 1975. Check–list of Guam fishes, Supplement II. Micronesica 11:115–121.
  64. RIDEOUT, R. S. 1975. Toxicity of the asteroid Linckia laevigata (L.) to the damselfish Dascyllus aruanus (L.). Micronesica 11:153–154.
  65. STRONG, R. D. 1975. Distribution, morphometry, and thermal stress studies on two forms of Linckia (Asteroidea) on Guam. Micronesica 11:167–183.
  66. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1975. Sea level fluctuations and mass mortality of reef animals in Guam, Mariana Islands.   Micronesica 11:227–243.
  67. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1975. Coral reef asteroids of Guam. Biotropica 7:12–23.
  68. BIRKELAND, C. 1976. An experimental method for studying corals during early stages of growth. Micronesica 12:319–322.
  69. BIRKELAND, C. 1976. Book review: E.J.F. Wood & R.E. Johannes, Tropical marine pollution. Elsevier Oceanography Series 12. Elsevier Scientific Publication Company, N.Y., 1975, 192 p. Micronesica 12:335–338.
  70. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1976. Indo–Pacific ascidian studies. Micronesica 2:197–198.
  71. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1976. Two new species of lithodid (Anomura, Paguridea, Lithodidae) crabs from Guam. Micronesica 12:309–315.
  72. GAWEL, M. J. 1976. Asterospicularia randalli: A new species of Asterospiculariidae (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) from Guam. Micronesica 12:303–307.
  73. GORDON, G. D., MASAKI, T., & AKIOKA, H. . 1976. Floristic and distributional account of the common crustose coralline algae on Guam. Micronesica 12:247–277.
  74. HESLINGA, G. A. 1976. Effects of copper on the coral reef echinoid Echinometra mathaei. Marine Biology 35:155–160.
  75. JAMESON, S. C. 1976. Early life history of the giant clams Tridacna maxima (Röding) and Hippopus hippopus (L.). Pacific Science 30:219–233.
  76. KAMI, H. T. & IKEHARA, I. I. 1976. Notes on the annual juvenile siganid harvest in Guam. Micronesica 12:323–325.
  77. KAMI, H. T. & LUJAN, R. J. 1976. Records of the dwarf sperm whale Kogia simus Owen from Guam. Micronesica 12:327–332.
  78. MARSH Jr., J. A. 1976. Energetic role of algae in reef ecosystems. Micronesica 12:13–21.
  79. RANDALL, R. H. 1976. Some problems in reef coral taxonomy. Micronesica 12:151–156.
  80. RANDALL, R. H. & ELDREDGE, L. G. 1976. Skeletal modification by a polychaete annelid in some scleractinian corals. Pages 453–465 in G.O. Mackie, editor. Coelenterate Ecology and Behavior. Plenum Press, N.Y.
  81. TSUDA, R. T. 1976. Occurrence of the genus Sargassum (Phaeophyta) on two Pacific atolls. Micronesica 12:279–282.
  82. TSUDA, R. T. 1976. Some marine benthic algae from Pitcairn Island. Revue lgologique 11:325–331.
  83. VERMEIJ, G. J. 1976. Interoceanic differences in vulnerability of shelled prey to crab predation.   Nature 260:135–136.
  84. ANDERSON Jr., W. D., KAMI, H. T., & JOHNSON, G. D. 1977. A new genus of Pacific Etelinae (Pisces: Lutjanidae) with redescription of the type species. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 90:89–98.
  85. BIRKELAND, C. 1977. The importance of rate of biomass accumulation in early successional stages of benthic communities to the survival of coral recruits. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Coral Reefs, Miami 1:15–21.
  86. CARLSON, C. H. & HOFF, P. J. 1977. A sand–dwelling Elysia from Guam (Opisthobranchia: Sacoglossa). Veliger 20:14–16.
  87. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1977. Note on Cryptodromiopsis tridens (Brachyura, Dromiidae). Pacific Science 31:249–251.
  88. KOHN, A. J. & WHITE, J. K. 1977. Polychaete annelids of an intertidal reef limestone platform at Tanguisson, Guam. Micronesica 13:199–215.
  89. MARSH Jr., J. A. 1977. Terrestrial inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus on fringing reefs of Guam.   Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Coral Reefs, Miami 1:331–336.
  90. NEUDECKER, S. 1977. Transplant experiments to test the effect of fish grazing on coral distribution.   Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Coral Reefs, Miami 1:317–323.
  91. RANDALL, R. H. & ELDREDGE, L. G. 1977. Effects of Typhoon Pamela on the coral reefs of Guam. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Coral Reefs, Miami 2:525–531.
  92. RANDALL, R. H., & CHENG, Y. M. 1977. Recent corals of Taiwan. Part I:   Description of reefs and coral environments. Acta Geologica Taiwanica 19:79–102.
  93. ROWE, F. W. E. & DOTY, J. E. 1977. The shallow–water holothurians of Guam. Micronesica 13:217–250.
  94. TSUDA, R. T. 1977. Zonational patterns of the Phaeophyta (brown algae) on Guam's fringing reefs. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Coral Reefs, Miami 1:371–375.
  95. TSUDA, R. T. & WRAY, F. O. 1977. Bibliography of marine benthic algae in Micronesia. Micronesica 13:85–120.
  96. TSUDA, R. T. & TOBIAS, W. J. 1977. Marine benthic algae from the northern Mariana Islands, Chlorophyta and Phaeophyta. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Phycology 25:67–72. 
  97. TSUDA, R. T. & TOBIAS, W. J. 1977. Marine benthic algae from the northern Mariana Islands, Cyanophyta and Rhodophyta. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Phycology 25:155–158.
  98. TSUDA, R. T., FOSBERG, F. R., & SACHET, M. –H. 1977. Distribution of seagrasses in Micronesia. Micronesica 13:191–198.
  99. TSUDA, R. T., AMESBURY, S. S., & MORAS, S. C. 1977. Preliminary observations on the algae, corals, and fishes inhabiting the sunken ferry "Fujikawa Maru" in Truk Lagoon. Atoll Research Bulletin 212:1–6.
  100. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1977. Larval behavior and geographic distribution of coral reef asteroids in the Indo–West Pacific. Micronesica 13:283–296.
  101. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1977. Conservation and cultivation of giant clams in the tropical Pacific. Biological Conservation 11:13–20.
  102. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1977. Estimating length of the exponential growth phase: Growth increment observation on the coral reef asteroid Culcita novaeguineae. Marine Biology 39:57–60.
  103. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1977. Population structure, spawning, and growth of the coral reef asteroid Linckia laevigata (Linnaeus). Pacific Science 31:13–30.
  104. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1977. Shell growth and mortality rates in the coral reef gastropod Cerithium nodulosum in Pago Bay, Mariana Islands. Marine Biology 44:249–263.
  105. CARLSON, C. H. & HOFF, P. J. 1978. The identifiable Elysia from Guam (Elysiidae, Sacoglossa, Opisthobranchia). Micronesica 14:89–113.
  106. EASTON, W. H., KU, T. L. & RANDALL, R. H. 1978. Recent reefs and shore lines of Guam. Micronesica 14:1–11.
  107. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1978. Recent Pacific Bibliographies – II. Micronesica 14:124–125.
  108. FITZGERALD Jr., W. J. 1978. Environmental parameters influencing the growth of Enteromorpha clathrata (Roth) J. Ag. in the intertidal zone on Guam. Botanica Marina 21:207–220.
  109. GILBERT, W. J. 1978. Rhipilia sinuosa sp. nov. (Chlorophyta, Siphonales) from Micronesia. Phycologia 17:311–313.
  110. KOCK, R. L. & TSUDA, R. T. 1978. Seagrass assemblages of Yap, Micronesia. Aquatic Botany 5:245–249.
  111. MARSH Jr., J. A. & SMITH, S. V. 1978. Productivity measurements of coral reefs in flowing water.   Pages 361–377 in D.R. Stoddart & R.E. Johannes, editors. Coral Reefs: Research Methods. UNESCO, Paris.
  112. RIDEOUT, R. S. 1978. Asexual reproduction as a means of population maintenance in the coral reef asteroid Linckia multifora on Guam. Marine Biology 47:287–295.
  113. ROSS, R. M. 1978. Reproductive behavior of the anemonefish Amphiprion melanopus on Guam. Copeia 1978:103–107.
  114. ROSS, R. M. 1978. Territorial behavior and ecology of the anemonefish Amphiprion melanopus on Guam. Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 46:71–83.
  115. BRALEY, R. D. 1979. Penaeid prawns in Fanga'uta Lagoon, Tongatapu. Pacific Science 33:315–321.
  116. FITZGERALD Jr., W. J. & NELSON, S. G. 1979. Development of aquaculture in an island community (Guam, Mariana Islands). Proceedings of the World Mariculture Society 10:39–50.
  117. KUMANO, S. 1979. Morphological study of nine taxa of Bostrychia (Rhodophyta) from southwestern Japan, Hong Kong and Guam. Micronesica 15:13–33.
  118. LAMBERT, A. E. 1979. Reef coral identification using protein electrophoresis:   A preliminary report.   Pages 671–677 in Proceedings of the International Symposium in Marine Biogeography and Evolution in the Southern Hemisphere (Auckland, New Zealand), 17–20 July 1978. Vol. 2. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Information Series 137.
  119. MARSH Jr., J. A.  1979. Book review:   R.F. Scagel (ed.), Mankind's fortune in the Pacific:   The plenary and special lectures of the Thirteenth Pacific Science Congress, August 1975. University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, 1976, 198 p. Micronesica 15:335–337.
  120. NEUDECKER, S. 1979. Effects of grazing and browsing fishes on the zonation of corals in Guam. Ecology 60:666–672.
  121. RANDALL, R. H. & CHENG, Y. M. 1979. Recent corals of Taiwan. Part II:   Description of reefs and coral environments. Acta Geologica Taiwanica 20:1–32.
  122. SETO, R. 1979. Comparative study of Thorea gaudichaudii (Rhodophyta) from Guam and Okinawa. Micronesica 15:35–39.
  123. VERMEIJ, G. J. 1979. Shell architecture and causes of death of Micronesian reef snails. Evolution 33:686–696.
  124. CORNER, B. D. & MOORE, H. T. 1980. Field observations on the reproductive behavior of Sepia latimanus. Micronesica 16:235–260.
  125. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1980. Recent Pacific bibliographies. III. Micronesica 16:362–363. 
  126. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1980. Two species of Homola (Dromiacea, Homolidae) from Guam. Micronesica 16:271–277.
  127. ITONO, H. 1980. The genus Galaxaura (Rhodophyta) in Micronesia. Micronesica 16:1–19.
  128. ITONO, H. & TSUDA, R. T. 1980. New algal genera and species records from Micronesia: Chamaedoris orientalis (Chlorophyta) and Rhodopeltis gracilis (Rhodophyta).   Micronesica 16:21–27.
  129. ITONO, H. & TSUDA, R. T. 1980. Titanophora marianensis sp. nov. (Nemastomataceae, Rhodophyta) from Guam. Pacific Science 34:21–24.
  130. LASSUY, D. R. 1980. Effects of "farming" behavior by Eupomacentrus lividus and Hemiglyphidodon plagiometopon on algal community structure. Bulletin of Marine Science 30:304–412.
  131. MEYER, D. L. & MACURDA Jr., D. B. 1980. Ecology and distribution of the shallow water crinoids of Palau and Guam. Micronesica 16:59–99.
  132. MYERS, R. F. 1980. First record of the angelfish, Centropyge colini (Pomacanthidae) from Guam, Mariana Islands. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 26:361–363.
  133. MYERS, R. F. 1980. Chaetodon flavocoronatus, a new species of butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) from Guam. Micronesica 16:297–303.
  134. MYERS, R. F. & SHEPARD, J. W. 1980. New records of fishes from Guam, with notes on the ichthyofauna of the southern Marianas. Micronesica 16:305–347.
  135. NELSON, S. G., TSUTSUI, R. N., & BEST, B. R. 1980. A preliminary evaluation of the mariculture potential of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta) in Micronesia:   Growth and ammonium uptake. Pages 72–79 in I.A. Abbott, M.S. Foster, & L.F. Eklund, editors. Pacific Seaweed Aquaculture. Publication of the California Sea Grant College Program, La Jolla, California.
  136. SHEPARD, J. W. & MOYER, J. T. 1980. Annotated checklist of the fishes of Miyake–jima, Japan.   I. Pomacentridae, Chaetodontidae and Pomacanthidae. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 25:227–241.
  137. TSUDA, R. T. & STOJKOVICH, J. O. 1980. Modern approaches, status and future directions of algal taxonomy in Micronesia. Pages 157–163 in I.A. Abbott, M.S. Foster, & L.F. Eklund, editors. Pacific Seaweed Aquaculture. Publication of the California Sea Grant College Program, La Jolla, California.
  138. VERMEIJ, G. J. 1980. Drilling predation in bivalves from Guam: Some paleoecological implications. Malacologia 19:329–334.
  139. ZIPSER, E. & VERMEIJ, G. J. 1980. Survival after nonlethal shell damage in the gastropod Conus sponsalis. Micronesica 16:229–234.
  140. BIRKELAND, C. 1981. Acanthaster in the cultures of high islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 255:55–58.
  141. BIRKELAND, C. & NEUDECKER, S. 1981. Foraging behavior of two Caribbean chaetodontids: Chaetodon capistratus and C. aculeatu. Copeia 1981:169–178.
  142. BIRKELAND, C., CHENG, L., & LEWIN, R. A. 1981. Motility of didemnid ascidian colonies. Bulletin of Marine Science 31:170–173.
  143. GROSENBAUGH, D. A. 1981. Qualitative assessment of the asteroids, echinoids and holothurians in Yap Lagoon. Atoll Research Bulletin 255:49–54.
  144. KROPP, R. K. 1981. Additional porcellanid crab feeding methods (Decapoda, Porcellanidae). Crustaceana 40:307–310.
  145. MOYER, J. T. 1981. Interspecific spawning of the pygmy angelfishes Centropyge shepardi and Centropyge bispinosus at Guam. Micronesica 17:119–124.
  146. NELSON, S. G., SMITH, B. D., & BEST, B. R. 1981. Kinetics of nitrate and ammonium uptake by the tropical freshwater macrophyte Pistia stratiotes L. Aquaculture 24:11–19.
  147. RANDALL, R. H. & CHENG, Y. M. 1981. Recent corals of Taiwan. Part III. Shallow water hydrozoan corals. Acta Geologica Taiwanica 22:35–99.
  148. TSUDA, R. T. 1981. Bibliography of marine benthic algae of Micronesia:   Addendum. Micronesica 17:213–218.
  149. TSUDA, R. T. 1981. Marine benthic algae of Kayangel Atoll, Palau. Atoll Research Bulletin (255):43–48.
  150. AMESBURY, S. S. 1982. Effects of turbidity on shallow–water reef fish assemblages in Truk. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 1:155–159.
  151. AMESBURY, S. S. 1982. Fishery development in Guam:   Unique problems, unique opportunities. Pages 169–172 in S. Nishikawa, editor. 3rd Expert Conference for Economic Development in Asia and the Pacific. Asian–Pacific Development Center, Tokyo.
  152. AMESBURY, S. S. & MYERS, R. F. 1982. Guide to the Coastal Resources of Guam: Vol. I. The Fishes. University of Guam Press, Mangilao, Guam. 141 p.
  153. BEST, B. R., BRALEY, R., MARSH Jr., J. A., & MATLOCK, D. B. 1982. Effect of chlorine on some coral reef phytoplankters and invertebrate larvae. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 1:169–172.
  154. BIRKELAND, C. 1982. Terrestrial runoff as a cause of outbreaks of Acanthaster planci(Echinodermata: Asteroidea). Marine Biology 69:175–185.
  155. BIRKELAND, C. & RANDALL, R. H. 1982. Facilitation of coral recruitment by echinoid excavations. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 1:695–698.
  156. BIRKELAND, C. & SMALLEY, T. L. 1982. Comparison of demersal plankton from comparable substrata at a high island and an atoll. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 1:437–442.
  157. BIRKELAND, C., ROWLEY, D., & RANDALL, R. H. 1982. Coral recruitment patterns at Guam. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 2:339–344.
  158. BIRKELAND, C., DAYTON, P. K., & ENGSTROM, N. A. 1982. A stable system of predation on a holothurian by four asteroids and their top predator. Records of the Australian Museum 16:175–189.
  159. BRALEY, R. D. 1982. Reproductive periodicity in the indigenous oyster Saccostrea cucullata in Sasa Bay, Apra Harbor, Guam. Marine Biology 69:165–173.
  160. CLAYSHULTE, R. N. 1982. Formation of small marine sediment deltas on a Guam leeward reef flat by storm drain runoff. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 1:467–473. 
  161. COLGAN, M. W. 1982. Succession and recovery of a coral reef after predation by Acanthaster planci (L.). Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 2:333–338.
  162. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1982. Recent Pacific bibliographies. IV. Micronesica 18:197–200.
  163. ELDREDGE, L. G. & KROPP, R. K. 1982. Decapod crustacean–induced skeletal modifications in Acropora. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 2:115–119.
  164. IGNOR, P. 1982. Burrowing and the functional significance of ratchet sculpture in turritelliform gastropods.   Malacologia 23:313–320.
  165. KOCK, R. L. 1982. Patterns in the abundance variations of reef fishes near an artificial reef at Guam.   Environmental Biology of Fishes 7:121–136.
  166. KROPP, R. K. 1982. Responses of five holothurian species to attacks by a predatory gastropod, Tonna perdix. Pacific Science 36:445–452.
  167. KROPP, R. K. & BIRKELAND, C. 1982. Comparison of crustacean associates of Pocillopora verrucosa from a high island and an atoll. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 2:627–632. 
  168. MARSH Jr., J. A., ROSS, R. M., & ZOLAN, W. J. 1982. Water circulation on two Guam reef flats. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 1:355–360.
  169. MATLOCK, D. B. & ROMEO, C. 1982. Interspecific variability within the genus Gracilaria (Rhodophyta) on Guam. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 2:415–417.
  170. NELSON, S. G. & TSUTSUI, R .N. 1982. Browsing by herbivorous reef fishes on the agarophyte Gracilaria edulis (Rhodophyta) at Guam, Mariana Islands. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 2:503–506.
  171. NEUDECKER, S. 1982. Growth and survival of scleractinian corals exposed to thermal effluents at Guam. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 1:173–180.
  172. RANDALL, R. H. 1982. Morphologic diversity in the scleractinian genus Acropora. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 2:157–164.
  173. SIGNOR, P. 1982. Influence of shell shape on burrowing rates in infaunal turritelliform snails. Proceedings of the 3rd North American Paleontological Convention 2:483–487.
  174. TSUDA, R. T. 1982. Further records of Ulva (Chlorophyta) in Micronesia. Micronesica 18:193–194.
  175. TSUDA, R. T. 1982. Seasonality in Micronesian seaweed populations and their biogeography as affecting wild crop potential. Pages 27–31 in R.T. Tsuda & Y.M. Chiang, editors. Proceedings of Republic of China–United States Cooperative Science Seminar on "Cultivation and Utilization of Economic Algae". University of Guam Marine Laboratory, Mangilao, Guam.
  176. WOOSTER, D. S. 1982. The genus Calcinus (Paguridea, Diogenidae) from the Mariana Islands including three new species. Micronesica 18:121–162.
  177. BIRKELAND, C. 1983. Book review:   R.E. Johannes, Words of the lagoon:   Fishing and marine lore in the Palau District of Micronesia, University of California Press, 1981, 245 p. Micronesica 19:177–179.
  178. DONALDSON, T. J. 1983. Mobbing behavior by Stegastes albifasciatus (Pomacentridae), a territorial mosaic damselfish. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 31:345–348.
  179. DONALDSON, T. J. 1983. Further investigations of the whales Peponocephala electra and Globicephala macrorhychus reported from Guam. Micronesica 19:173–181.
  180. GLYNN, P. W. 1983. Crustacean symbionts and the defense of corals:   Coevolution on the reef? Pages 111–178 in M. H. Nitecki, editor. Coevolution. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  181. HOFF, P. J. & CARLSON, C. H. 1983. Gastropteron pohnpei, a new Gastropteridae from Micronesia (Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 27:261–264.
  182. KROPP, R. K. 1983. Three new species of Porcellanidae (Crustacea: Anomura) from the Mariana Islands and a discussion of Borradaile's Petrolisthes lamarckii complex. Micronesica 19:91–106.
  183. LARSON, H. K. 1983. Notes on the biology of the goby Kelloggella cardinalis (Jordan & Seale). Micronesica 19:157–164.
  184. MOFFITT, R. 1983. Heterocarpus longirostris MacGilchrist from the northern Mariana Islands. Fishery Bulletin 81:434–436.
  185. NELSON, S. G., YANG, S. S., WANG, C. Y., & CHIANG, Y. M. 1983. Yield and quality of agar from species of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta) collected from Taiwan and Micronesia.   Botanica Marina 26:361–366.
  186. RANDALL, R. H. & MYERS, R. F. 1983. Guide to the Coastal Resources of Guam: Vol. 2. The Corals. University of Guam Press, Mangilao, Guam. 128 p. 
  187. VERMEIJ, G. J., KAY, E. A., & ELDREDGE, L. G. 1983. Mollusks of the northern Mariana Islands, with special references to the selectivity of oceanic dispersal barrier. Micronesica 19:27–55.
  188. BIRKELAND, C. 1984. Book review: M. Jangoux & J.M. Lawrence (eds.), Echinoderm Studies 1. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1983, 203 p. The Quarterly Review of Biology 59:342–343.
  189. BRALEY, R. D. 1984. Mariculture potential of introduced oysters Saccostrea cucullata tuberculata and Crassostrea echinata in Guam and a histological study of reproduction on C. echinata. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 185:129–141.
  190. COLGAN, M. W. 1984. The Cretaceous coral Heliopora (Octocorallia: Coenothecalia)––a common Indo–Pacific reef builder. Pages 266–271 in N. Eldredge & S.M. Stanley, editors. Living Fossils. Casebooks in Earth Sciences, Springer–Verlag.
  191. DAVIS, P. S. 1984. The role of zooxanthellae in the nutritional energy requirements of Pocillopora eydouxi. Coral Reefs 2:181–186.
  192. KROPP, R.K. 1984. Tanaochelea stenochilis, a new genus and species of crab from Guam, Mariana Islands (Brachyura, Xanthidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 97:744–747.
  193. LASSUY, D. R. 1984. Diet, intestinal morphology, and nitrogen assimilation efficiency in the damselfish, Stegastes lividus in Guam. Environmental Biology of Fishes 19:183–193.
  194. RANDALL, R. H., SIEGRIST Jr., H. G., & SIEGRIST, A. W. 1984. Community structure of reef–building corals on a recently raised Holocene reef on Guam, Mariana Islands. Palaeontographica Americana 54:394–398.
  195. SIEGRIST, A. W., RANDALL, R. H., & SIEGRIST Jr., H. G. 1984. Functional morphological group variation within an emergent Holocene reef, Ylig Point, Guam. Palaeontographica Americana 54:390–393.
  196. SIEGRIST Jr., H. G., RANDALL, R. H., & SIEGRIST, A. W. 1984. Petrography of the Merizo limestone, an emergent Holocene reef, Ylig Point, Guam. Palaeontographica Americana 54:399–405.
  197. SMALLEY, T. L. 1984. The possible effects of intraspecific competition on the population structure of a solitary mollusc. Marine Ecology Progress Series 14:138–144.
  198. TAYLOR, J. D. 1984. A partial food web involving predatory gastropods in a Pacific fringing reef.   Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 74:273–290.
  199. YAMAGUCHI, M. & LUCAS, J. S. 1984. Natural parthenogenesis, larval and juvenile development, and geographic distributions of the coral reef asteroid Ophidiaster granifer Lütken. Marine Biology 83:33–42.
  200. BIRKELAND, C., NELSON, S. G., WILKINS, S. deC., & GATES, P. 1985. Effects of fish grazing on coral reef community metabolism. Proceedings of the 5th International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti 4:47–51.
  201. COLGAN, M. W. 1985. Growth–rate reduction and modification of a coral colony by a vermetid mollusc, Dendropoma maxima. Proceedings of the 5th International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti 6:205–210.
  202. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1985. Status of systematic resources in Micronesia. B.P. Bishop Museum Special Publication 74:30–36.
  203. ELDREDGE, L. G. & KROPP, R. K. 1985. Volcanic ashfall effects on intertidal and shallow–water coral reef zones at Pagan, Mariana Islands. Proceedings of the 5th International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti 4:195–200.
  204. MARSH Jr., J. A., PENDLETON, D. P., WILKINS, S. deC., & HILLMANN– KITALONG, A. 1985. Effect on selected reef organisms of a potential seawater SO2 scrubber system at a power plant on Guam. Proceedings of the 5th International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti 4:177–182.
  205. NELSON, S. G. 1985. Immediate enhancement of photosynthesis by marine macrophytes in response to ammonia enrichment.   Proceedings of the 5th International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti 5:65–70.
  206. NELSON, S. G. & KROPP, R. K. 1985. Ammonia excretion and nitrogen assimilation by the tropical freshwater prawn Macrobrachium lar (Crustacea, Palaemonidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 81A:699–704.
  207. NELSON, S. G., SIMMONS, M. A., & KNIGHT, A. W. 1985. Calorigenic effect of diet on the grass shrimp Crangon franciscorum (Crustacea: Crangonidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 82A:373–376.
  208. OLSEN–STOJKOVICH, J. 1985. A systematic study of the genus Avrainvillea Decaisne (Chlorophyta, Udoteaceae). Nova Hedwigia 41:1–68.
  209. RANDALL, R. H. 1985. Habitat geomorphology and community structure of corals in the Mariana Islands.   Proceedings of the 5th International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti 6:261–266.
  210. SIEGRIST Jr., H. G. & RANDALL, R. H. 1985. Community structure and petrography of an emergent Holocene reef limestone on Guam. Proceedings of the 5th International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti 6:563–568.
  211. SMYTH, M. 1985. Cryptophialus coronophorus, new species (Cirripedia, Acanthothoracia), a boring barnacle from Guam, Mariana Islands with new insights into cryptophialid ultrastructure. Journal of Crustacean Biology 6:143–157.
  212. TSUDA, R. T. 1985. Gracilaria from Micronesia: Key, list and distribution of the species.   Pages 91–92 in I.A. Abbott & J.N. Norris, editors. Taxonomy of Economic Seaweeds, with Reference to Some Pacific and Caribbean Species. Publication of the California Sea Grant Program, La Jolla, California.
  213. TSUDA, R. T. & ABBOTT, I. A. 1985. Collection, handling, preservation and logistics. Pages 67–86 in M.M. Littler & D.S. Littler, editors. Ecological Field Methods: Macroalgae. Handbook of phycological methods. Vol 4. Cambridge University Press.
  214. VERMEIJ, G. J. & LINDBERG, D. 1985. Patelloida chamorrorum spec. nov.: A new member of the Tethyan Patelloida profunda group (Gastropoda: Acmaeidae). Veliger 27:411–417.
  215. WILLIAMS, J. M., & GRANT, P. C. 1985. Migrants in Guam, fall 1983. Elepaio 46(5):41–44.
  216. AMESBURY, S. S., CUSHING, F. A., & SAKAMOTO, R. K. 1986. Guide to the coastal resources of Guam: Vol. 3. Fishing on Guam. University of Guam Press, Mangilao, Guam. 110 p.
  217. DONALDSON, T. J. 1986. Distribution and species richness patterns of Indo–West Pacific Cirrhitidae: Support for Woodland's Hypothesis. Pages 623–628 in Proceedings of the Indo–Pacific Fisheries Conference, Tokyo.
  218. KROPP, R. K. 1986. A neotype designation for Petrolisthes tomentosus (Dana), and description of Petrolisthes heterochrous, new species, from the Mariana Islands (Anomura: Porcellanidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 99:452–463.
  219. KROPP, R. K. 1986. Feeding biology and mouthpart morphology of three species of coral gall crabs (Decapoda: Cryptochiridae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 6:377–384.
  220. NELSON, S. G., SIMMONS, M. A., & KNIGHT, A. W. 1986. The energy burden of the bopyrid parasite Argeia pauperata (Crustacea, Isopoda) on the grass shrimp Crangon franciscorum (Crustacea, Crangonidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 83A:121–124.
  221. TAYLOR, J. D. 1986. Diets of sand–living predatory gastropods at Piti Bay, Guam. Asian Marine Biology 3:47–58.
  222. TRIBBLE, W. G. & RANDALL, R. H. 1986. A description of the high–latitude shallow water coral communities of Miyake–jima, Japan. Coral Reefs 4:151–159.
  223. VERMEIJ, G. J. & ZIPSER, E. 1986. Burrowing performance of some tropical Pacific gastropods. Veliger 29:200–206.
  224. VERMEIJ, G. J. & ZIPSER, E. 1986. A study of growth and death in a population of the gastropod Strombus gibberulus in Guam. Veliger 28:314–317.
  225. COLGAN, W. 1987. Coral reef recovery on Guam (Micronesia) after catastrophic predation by Acanthaster planci. Ecology 68:1592–1605.
  226. DONALDSON, T. J. 1987. Social organization and reproductive behavior of the hawkfish Cirrhitichthys falco (Cirrhitidae). Bulletin of Marine Science 41:531–540.
  227. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1987. Poisons for fishing on coral reefs. Pages 61–64 in B. Salvat, editor. Human Impacts on Coral Reefs: Facts and Recommendations. Antenne Museum E.P.H.E., French Polynesia.
  228. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1987. Protochordates of Enewetak. Pages 287–288 in D.M. Devaney, E. S. Reese, B. L. Burch, & P. Helfrich, editors. Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume 2, Biogeography and Systematics. U.S. Department of Energy, Ecological Research Division, Oakridge, Tennessee.
  229. ELDREDGE, L. G. 1987. Coral reef alien species. Pages 215–228 in B. Salvat, editor. Human Impact on Coral Reefs: Facts and Recommendations. Antenne Museum Ècole Practique des Hautes Ètudes, French Polynesia.
  230. HAIG, J. & KROPP, R. K. 1987. Petrolisthes eldredgei, a new porcellanid crab from the Indo–West Pacific, with redescription of two related species. Micronesica 20:171–186.
  231. HILLMANN–KITALONG, A. & BIRKELAND, C. 1987. Comparative biases from pushnet and pullnet zooplankton samples. Marine Ecology Progress Series 38:131–135.
  232. KROPP, R. K. 1987. Descriptions of some endolithic habitats for snapping shrimp (Alpheidae) in Micronesia. Bulletin of Marine Science 41:204–213.
  233. MARSH Jr., J. A. 1987. Reef processes: Energy and materials flux. Pages 159–179 in D.M. Devaney, E.S. Reese, B.L. Burch, & P. Helfrich, editors. Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume 1, The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. U.S. Department of Energy, Ecological Research Division, Oakridge, Tennessee.
  234. NEILL, J. B. 1987. A novel technique for tagging sea urchins. Bulletin of Marine Science 41:92–94.
  235. NELSON, S. G. & SIEGRIST, A. W. 1987. Comparison of mathematical expressions describing light–saturation curves for photosynthesis by tropical marine macroalgae. Bulletin of Marine Science 41:34–51.
  236. PAUL, V. J. 1987. Feeding deterrent effects of algal natural products. Bulletin of Marine Science 41:514–522.
  237. PAUL, V. J. & FENICAL, W. 1987. Natural products chemistry and chemical defense in tropical marine algae of the phylum Chlorophyta. Pages 1–29 in P.J. Scheuer, editor. Bioorganic Marine Chemistry. I. Springer–Verlag, Berlin.
  238. PAUL, V. J., HAY, M.E., DUFFY, J. E., FENICAL, W., & GUSTAFSON, K. 1987. Chemical defense in the seaweed Ochtodes secundiramea (Montagne) Howe: Effects of its monoterpenoid components upon diverse coral–reef herbivores. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 114:249–260.
  239. PLUCER–ROSARIO, G. 1987. The effect of substratum on the growth of Terpios, an encrusting sponge which kill corals. Coral Reefs 5:197–200.
  240. PLUCER–ROSARIO, G. & RANDALL, R. H. 1987. Preservation of rare coral species by transplantation and examination of their recruitment and growth. Bulletin of Marine Science 41:585–593.
  241. RICHMOND, R. H. 1987. Energetic relationships and biogeographical differences among fecundity growth and reproduction in the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis. Bulletin of Marine Science 41:594–604.
  242. RICHMOND, R. H. 1987. Energetics, competency and long–distance dispersal of planula larvae of the coral Pocillopora damicornis. Marine Biology 93:527–533.
  243. SMITH, B. D. 1987. Growth rate, distribution, and abundance of the introduced topshell Trochus niloticus Linnaeus on Guam, Mariana Islands. Bulletin of Marine Science 41:466–474.
  244. TSUDA, R. T. 1987. Marine benthic algae of Enewetak Atoll. Pages 1–9 in D.M. Devaney, E.S. Reese, B.L. Burch, & P. Helfrich, editors. Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume 2, Biogeography and Systematics. U.S. Department of Energy, Ecological Research Division, Oakridge, Tennessee.
  245. BIRKELAND, C. 1988. Book review: A.R. Longhurst & D. Pauly, Ecology of tropical oceans. Academic Press, San Diego, 1987, 407 p. Limnology and Oceanography 33:1229–1230.
  246. BIRKELAND, C. 1988. Book review: A.R. Longhurst & D. Pauly, Ecology of tropical oceans.   Academic Press, San Diego, 1987, 407 p.   Micronesica 21:284–285.
  247. BIRKELAND, C. 1988. Geographic comparisons of coral–reef community processes.   Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium, Townsville 1:211–220.
  248. BIRKELAND, C. 1988. Second–order ecological effects of nutrient input into coral communities. Galaxea 7:91–100.
  249. DONALDSON, T. J. & MYERS, R. F. 1988. First record of the hawkfish Cirrhitichthysoxycephalus (Cirrhitidae) from Guam, Mariana Islands, with notes on its distribution and ecology. Micronesica 21:267–274.
  250. GARRIGUE, C. & TSUDA, R. T. 1988. Catalog of marine benthic algae from New Caledonia. Micronesica 21:53–70.
  251. KROPP, R. K. 1988. The status of Cryptochirus hongkongensis Shen, 1936 (Brachyura: Cryptochiridae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 101:866–871.
  252. KROPP, R. K. 1988. The status of Cryptochirus coralliodytes Heller and Lithoscaptus paradoxus Milne Edwards (Brachyura: Cryptochiridae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 101:872–882
  253. MYERS, R. F. 1988. An annotated checklist of the fishes of the Mariana Islands.   Micronesica 21:115–180.
  254. NEILL, J. B. 1988. Experimental analysis of burrow defense in Echinometra mathaei (De Blainville) on an Indo–West Pacific reef flat. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 115:127–136.
  255. NELSON, S. G. & WILKINS, S. deC. 1988. Sediment processing by the surgeonfish Ctenochaetus striatus at Moorea, French Polynesia. Journal of Fish Biology 32:817–824.
  256. PAUL V. J. 1988. Marine chemical ecology and natural products research. Pages 23–28 in D.G. Fautin, editor. Biomedical Importance of Marine Organisms. Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences No. 13.
  257. PAUL, V. J. & VAN ALSTYNE, K. L. 1988. Antiherbivore defenses in Halimeda. Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium, Townsville 3:133–138.
  258. PAUL, V.J. & VAN ALSTYNE, K.L. 1988. Chemical defense and chemical variation in some tropical Pacific species of Halimeda (Halimedaceae, Chlorophyta). Coral Reefs 6:263–269.
  259. PAUL, V. J. & VAN ALSTYNE, K. L. 1988. Use of ingested algal diterpenoids by Elysia halimedae Macnae (Opisthobranchia: Ascoglossa) as antipredation defenses. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 119:15–29.
  260. PAUL, V. J., WYLIE, C. R., & SANGER, H. R. 1988. Effects of algal chemical defenses toward different coral–reef herbivorous fishes: A preliminary study. Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium, Townsville 3:73–88.
  261. PAUL, V. J., CIMINIELLO, P., & FENICAL, W. 1988. Diterpenoid feeding deterrents from the Pacific green alga Pseudochlorodesmis furcellata. Phytochemistry 27:1011–1014.
  262. RANDALL, R. H. & SIEGRIST Jr., H. G. 1988. Geomorphology of the fringing reefs of northern Guam in response to Holocene sea level changes. Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium, Townsville 3:473–477.
  263. RICHMOND, R. H. 1988. Competency and dispersal of spawned versus brooded coral planula larvae. Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium, Townsville 2:827–831.
  264. RICHMOND, R. H. 1988. The effects of El Niño/Southern Oscillation on the dispersal of corals and other marine organisms. Pages 127–140 in P.W. Glynn, editor. Global Ecological Consequences of the 1982–83 El Niño–Southern Oscillation, Elsevier Oceanography Series, 52.
  265. TSUDA, R. T. 1988. Sargassum from Micronesia. Pages 59–63 in I.A. Abbott, editor. Taxonomy of Economic Seaweeds, with Reference to Some Pacific and Caribbean Species. Publication of the California Sea Grant College Program, La Jolla, California.
  266. VAN ALSTYNE, K. L. & PAUL, V. J. 1988. The role of secondary metabolites in marine ecological interactions. Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium, Townsville 1:175–186.
  267. WILLIAMS, T. C. & WILLIAMS, J. M. 1988. Radar and visual observation of autumnal (southward) shorebird migration on Guam. Auk 105:460–466.
  268. WYLIE, C. R. & PAUL, V. J. 1988. Feeding preferences of the surgeonfish Zebrasomaflavescens in relation to chemical defenses of tropical algae. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 45:23–32.
  269. BIRKELAND, C. 1989. Book review: D.M. Devaney, E.S. Reese, B.L. Burch, & P. Helfrich (eds.), The natural history of Enewetak Atoll, Vols. 1 and 2. Department of Energy, Ecological Research Division, Oakridge, Tennessee, 1987, 228+348 p. Bulletin of Marine Science 44:1075–1077.
  270. BIRKELAND, C. 1989. The Faustian traits of the crown–of–thorns starfish. American Scientist 77:154–163.
  271. BIRKELAND, C. 1989. The influence of echinoderms on coral–reef communities. Pages 1–79 in M. Jangoux & J.M. Lawrence, editors. Echinoderm Studies 3. Balkema, Rotterdam.
  272. DONALDSON, T. J. 1989. Facultative monogamy of obligate coral–dwelling hawkfishes.   Environmental Biology of Fishes 26:295–302.
  273. KROPP, R. K. 1989. A revision of the Pacific species of gall crabs, genus Opecarcinus (Crustacea: Cryptochiridae). Bulletin of Marine Science 45:98–129.
  274. LOBBAN, C. S. 1989. Book reviews: P.C. Silva, E.G. Menez, & R.L. Moe, Catalog of the benthic algae of the Philippines. Smithsonian Contributions to Marine Science No. 27, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 1987, iv + 179 p.; and G.C. Trono, Jr. & E.T. Ganzon–Fortes, Philippine seaweeds, National Bookstore, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1988, x + 330 p.   Micronesica 22:121–122.
  275. MATSON, E. A. 1989. Biogeochemistry of Mariana Island coastal sediments: Terrestrial influence on 13C, ash, CaCO, Al, Fe, Si and P. Coral Reefs 7:153–160.
  276. POINER, A., PAUL, V. J., & SCHEUER, P. J. 1989. Kumepaloxane, a rearranged trisnor sesquiterpene from the bubble shell Haminoea cymbalum. Tetrahedron 45:617–622.
  277. SIEGRIST Jr., H. G. & RANDALL, R. H. 1989. Sampling implications of stable isotope variation in Holocene reef corals from the Mariana Islands. Micronesica 22:173–189.
  278. WYLIE, C. R. & PAUL, V. J. 1989. Chemical defenses in three species of Sinularia(Coelenterata, Alcyonacea): Effects against generalist predators and the butterflyfish Chaetodon unimaculatus block. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 129:141–160.
  279. AMESBURY, S. S. 1990. Book review: R.F. Myers, Micronesian reef fishes: A practical guide to the identification of the coral fishes of the tropical central and western Pacific. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam, 1989, 298 p. Micronesica 23:91–92.
  280. AMESBURY, S. S. & BABIN, M. 1990. Ocean temperature structure and the seasonality of pelagic fish species near Guam, Mariana Islands.   Micronesica 23:131–138.
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  293. PAUL, V. J., LINDQUIST, N., & FENICAL, W. 1990. Chemical defenses of the tropical ascidian Atapozoa sp. and its nudibranch predators Nembrotha spp. Marine Ecology Progress Series 59:101–118.
  294. PAUL, V. J., NELSON, S. G., & SANGER, H. R. 1990. Feeding preferences of adult and juvenile rabbitfish Siganus argenteus in relation to chemical defenses of tropical seaweeds. Marine Ecology Progress Series 60:23–34.
  295. RICHMOND, R. H. 1990. Relationships among reproductive mode, biogeographic distribution patterns and evolution in scleractinian corals. Pages 317–322 in M. Hoshi & O. Yamashita, editors. Advances in Invertebrate Reproduction 5. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.
  296. RICHMOND, R. H. & HUNTER, C. L. 1990. Reproduction and recruitment of corals:   Comparisons among the Caribbean, the tropical Pacific, and the Red Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 60:185–203.
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  298. VAN ALSTYNE, K. L. & PAUL, V. J. 1990. The biogeography of polyphenolic compounds in marine macroalgae: Why don't tropical brown algae use temperate defenses against herbivorous fish? Oecologia 84:158–163.
  299. AMESBURY, S. S., SHERWOOD, T. S., & DAVIS, G. W. 1991. Monitoring a tropical island reef fishery. American Fisheries Society Symposium 12:84–87.
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  307. PAUL, V. J. & PENNINGS, S. C. 1991. Diet–derived chemical defenses in the sea hare Stylocheilus longicauda (Quoy et Gaimard 1824). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 151:227–243.
  308. ROGERS, S. & PAUL, V. J. 1991. Chemical defenses of three Glossodoris nudibranchs and their dietary Hyrtios sponges. Marine Ecology Progress Series 77:221–232.
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  312. DUFFY, J. E. & PAUL, V. J. 1992. Prey nutritional quality and the effectiveness of chemical defenses against tropical reef fishes. Oecologia 90:333–339.
  313. HOPPER, D. R. & SMITH, B. D. 1992. The status of tree snails (Gastropoda: Partulidae) on Guam, with a resurvey of sites studied by H.E. Crampton in 1920. Pacific Science 46:77–85.
  314. KERR, A. M., NORRIS, D. R., SCHUPP, D. R., MEYER, K. D., PITLIK, T. J., HOPPER, D. R., CHAMBERLAIN, J. D., & MEYER, L. S. 1992. Range extensions of echinoderms (Asteroidea, Echinoidea and Holothuroidea) to Guam, Mariana Islands. Micronesica 25:201–216.
  315. LACSON, J. M. 1992. Minimal genetic variation among samples of six species of coral reef fishes collected at La Parguera, Puerto Rico and Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Marine Biology 112:327–331.
  316. LACSON, J. M. & BASSLER, C. P. 1992. Biochemical systematics of fishes of the genus Stegastes (Pomacentridae) from the southern Marianas. Marine Biology 113:457–462.
  317. MEYER, K. D. & PAUL, V. J. 1992. Intraplant variation in secondary metabolite concentration in Caulerpa and its effects on herbivorous fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 82:249–257.
  318. PAUL, V. J. & VAN ALSTYNE, K. L. 1992. Activation of chemical defenses in the tropical green algae Halimeda spp. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 160:191–203.
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  321. VAN ALSTYNE, K. L. & PAUL, V. J. 1992. Chemical and structural antipredator defenses in the sea fan Gorgonia ventalina: Effects against generalist and specialist predators. Coral Reefs 11:155–159.
  322. VAN ALSTYNE, K. L., WYLIE, C. R., PAUL, V. J., & MEYER, K. D. 1992. Antipredator defenses in tropical Pacific soft corals (Coelenterata: Alcyonacea). I. Sclerites as defenses against generalist carnivorous fishes. Biological Bulletin 182:231–240.
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  331. PAUL, V. J., CRONAN Jr., J. M., & CARDELLINA II, J. H. 1993. Isolation of new brominated sesquiterpene feeding deterrents from the tropical green alga Neomeris annulata(Dasycladaceae: Chlorophyta). Journal of Chemical Ecology 19:1847–1859.
  332. PAUL, V. J., MEYER, K. D., NELSON, S. G., & SANGER, H. R. 1993. Deterrent effects of seaweed extracts and secondary metabolites on feeding by the rabbitfish Siganus spinus. Proceedings of the Seventh International Coral Reef Symposium, Guam, 1992, 2:867–874.
  333. PENNINGS, S. C. & SVEDBERG, J. 1993. Does CaCO3 in food deter feeding by sea urchins? Marine Ecology Progress Series 101:163–167.
  334. PENNINGS, S. C. & PAUL, V. J. 1993. Secondary chemistry does not limit dietary range of the specialist sea hare Stylocheilus longicauda (Quoy et Gaimard, 1824). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 174:97–113.
  335. PENNINGS, S. C. & PAUL, V. J. 1993. Sequestration of dietary secondary metabolites by three species of sea hares: Location, specificity and dynamics. Marine Biology 117:535–546.
  336. PENNINGS, S. C., NADEAU, M. T., & PAUL, V. J. 1993. Selectivity and growth of the generalist herbivore Dolabella auricularia feeding upon complementary resources. Ecology 74:879–890.
  337. RICHMOND, R. H. 1993. Coral reefs: Present problems and future concerns from anthropogenic stress. American Zoologist 33:524–536.
  338. SONODA, K. & PAUL, V. J. 1993. Effects of stony coral extracts on feeding by Acanthaster planci (Linnaeus, 1758). Marine Ecology Progress Series 102:161–168.
  339. DAYTON, C., SANTAYANA, A. C., & LACSON, J. M. 1994. Genetic evidence for reproductive isolation of the newly described unicornfish, Naso caesius, and its sibling Naso hexacanthus. Marine Biology 118:551–554.
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  341. KERR, A. M. 1994. Shallow–water holothuroids (Echinodermata) of Kosrae, Eastern Caroline Islands. Pacific Science 48:161–174.
  342. KROPP, R. K. 1994. The gall crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Cryptochiridae) of the Rumphius Expeditions revisited, with descriptions of three new species. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 42:521–538.
  343. KROPP, R. K. & HAIG, J. 1994. Petrolisthes extremus, a new porcelain crab (Decapoda, Anomura, Porcellanidae) from the Indo–West Pacific. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 107:312–317.
  344. LACSON, J. M. 1994. Fixed allele frequency differences among Palauan and Okinawan populations of the damselfishes Chrysiptera cyanea and Pomacentrus coelestis. Marine Biology 118:359–365.
  345. MEYER, K. D., PAUL, V. J., SANGER, H. R., & NELSON, S. G. 1994. Effects of seaweed extracts and secondary metabolites on feeding by the herbivorous surgeonfish Naso lituratus. Coral Reefs 13:105–112.
  346. NELSON, S. G. & WILKINS, S. DeC. 1994. Growth and respiration of embryos and larvae of the rabbitfish Siganus randalli. Journal of Fish Biology 44:513–525.
  347. PAULAY, G. 1994. Biodiversity on oceanic islands: Its origin and extinction. American Zoologist 34:134–144.
  348. PAULAY, G. & HOLTHUIS, B. V. 1994. Biology and morphology of living Meiopriapulus fijiensis Morse (Priapulida). Pages 158–165 in W.H. Wilson, Jr., S.A. Stricker, & G.L. Shinn, editors. Reproduction and Development of Marine Invertebrates. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. 
  349. PENNINGS, S. C. 1994. Interspecific variation in chemical defenses in the sea hares (Opisthobranchia: Anaspidea). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 180:203–219.
  350. PENNINGS, S. C., PABLO, S. R., PAUL, V. J., & DUFFY, J. E. 1994. Effects of sponge secondary metabolites in different diets on feeding by three groups of consumers. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 180:137–149.
  351. RICHMOND, R. H. 1994. Coral reef resources: Pollution's impacts. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy 9:54–57.
  352. RICHMOND, R. H. 1994. Effects of coastal runoff on coral reproduction. Pages 360–364 in R.N. Ginsburg, editor. Proceedings of the Colloquium on Global Aspects of Coral Reefs: Health, Hazards and History.   Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami.
  353. SCHUPP, P. J. & PAUL, V. J. 1994. Calcium carbonate and secondary metabolites in tropical seaweeds: Variable effects on herbivorous fishes. Ecology 75:1172–1185.
  354. VAN ALSTYNE, K. L., WYLIE, C. R., & PAUL, V. J. 1994. Antipredator defenses in tropical Pacific corals (Coelenterata: Alcyonacea). 2. The relative importance of chemical and structural defenses in 3 species of Sinularia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 178:17–34.
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  357. DONALDSON, T. J. 1995. Comparative analysis of reef fish distribution patters in the northern and southern Mariana Islands. Natural History Research 3:227–234.
  358. DONALDSON, T. J. 1995. Courtship and spawning behavior of the pygmy grouper, Cephalopholis spiloparaea (Serranidae: Epinephalinae), with notes on C. argus and C. urodeta. Environmental Biology of Fishes 43:363–370. 
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  363. KROPP, R. K. 1995. Lithoscaptus pardalotus, a new species of coral–dwelling gall crab (Crustacea, Brachyura, Cryptochiridae) from Belau. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 108:637–643.
  364. KROPP, R. K. & MANNING, R. B. 1995. Crustacea Decapoda: Two new genera and species of deep–water gall crabs from the Indo–West Pacific (Cryptochiridae). Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 168:531–539.
  365. MEYER, K. D. & PAUL, V. J. 1995. Variation in aragonite and secondary metabolite concentrations in the tropical green seaweed Neomeris annulata: Effects on herbivory by fishes. Marine Biology 122:537–545.
  366. PENNINGS, S. C. & CAREFOOT, T. H. 1995. Post–ingestive consequences of consuming secondary metabolites in sea hares (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 111C:249–256.
  367. SADOVY, Y. & DONALDSON, T. J. 1995. Sexual pattern of Neocirrhites armatus(Cirrhitidae) with notes on other hawkfish species. Environmental Biology of Fishes 42:143–150. 
  368. YOTSU–YAMASHITA, M., SEKI, T., PAUL, V. J., NAOKI, H., & YASUMOTO, T. 1995. Four new analogs of polycavernoside A. Tetrahedron Letters 36:5563–5566.
  369. BAUMAN, S. 1996. Diversity and decline of land snails on Rota, Mariana Islands. American Malacological Bulletin 12:13–27.
  370. BIRKELAND, C. 1996. Why some species are especially influential on coral–reef communities and others are not. Galaxea 13:77–84.
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  372. DONALDSON, T. J. 1996. Fishes of the remote southwest Palau Islands: A zoogeographic perspective. Pacific Science 50:285–308.
  373. LUMBANG, W. A. & PAUL, V. J. 1996. Chemical defenses of the tropical green seaweed Neomeris annulata Dickie: Effects of multiple compounds on feeding by herbivores. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 201:185–195.
  374. MYERS, R. F. & DONALDSON, T. J. 1996. New and recent records of fishes from the Mariana Islands. Micronesica 28:207–266.
  375. NAGLE, D. G., PAUL, V. J., & ROBERTS, M. A. 1996. Ypaoamide, a new broadly acting feeding deterrent from the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula. Tetrahedron Letters 37:6263–6266.
  376. PAULAY, G. 1996. Circulating theories of coral biogeography. Journal of Biogeography 23:279–282.
  377. PAULAY, G. 1996. Dynamic clams: Temporal changes in the bivalve fauna of Pacific islands as a result of sea level fluctuations. American Malacological Bulletin 12:45–57.
  378. PAULAY, G. 1996. New records and synonymies of Hawaiian bivalves (Mollusca). B.P. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 45:18–29.
  379. PENNINGS, S. C., WEISS, A. M., & PAUL, V. J. 1996. Secondary metabolites of the cyanobacterium Microcoleus lyngbyaceus and the sea hare Stylocheilus longicauda: Palatability and toxicity. Marine Biology 126:735–743.
  380. PENNINGS, S. C., PUGLISI, M. P., PITLIK, T. J., HIMAYA, A. C., & PAUL, V. J. 1996. Effects of secondary metabolites and CaCO3 on feeding by surgeonfishes and parrotfishes: Within-plant comparisons. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:49–58.
  381. AVILA, C. & PAUL, V. J. 1997. Chemical ecology of the nudibranch Glossodoris pallida: Is the location of diet–derived metabolites important for defense? Marine Ecology Progress Series 150:171–180.
  382. BAKER, A. C. & ROWAN, R. 1997. Diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) in scleractinian corals of the Caribbean and eastern Pacific. Proceedings of the Eighth International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama 2:1301–1306.
  383. BAKER, A. C., ROWAN, R., & KNOWLTON, N. 1997. Symbiosis ecology of two Caribbean acroporid corals. Proceedings of the Eighth International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama 2:1295–1300.
  384. BIRKELAND, C. 1997. Symbiosis, fisheries and economic development on coral reefs. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12:364–367.
  385. CRONIN, G., PAUL, V. J., HAY, M. E., & FENICAL, W. 1997. Are tropical herbivores more resistant than temperate herbivores to seaweed chemical defense? Diterpenoid metabolites from Dictyota acutiloba as feeding deterrents for tropical versus temperate fishes and urchins. Journal of Chemical Ecology 23:289–302.
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  387. KNOWLTON, N., MATÉ, J. L., GUZMÁN, H. M., ROWAN, R., & JARA, J. 1997. Direct evidence for reproductive isolation among the three species of the Montastraea annularis complex in Central America (Panamá and Honduras). Marine Biology 127:705–711.
  388. NAGLE, D. G., PARK, P. U., & PAUL, V. J. 1997. Pitiamide A: A new chlorinated lipid from a mixed marine cyanobacterial assemblage. Tetrahedron Letters 38:6969–6972.
  389. NELSON, S. G., CAMACHO, F. A., PARHAM, J. E., TIBBATTS, R. B., LEBERER, T., & SMITH, B. D. 1997. Distributions and habitats of Micronesian stream fishes. Micronesica 30:83–91.
  390. PAUL, V.J., SEO, Y., CHO, K.W., RHO, J.–R., SHIN, J., & BERGQUIST, P.R. 1997. Sesquiterpenoids of the drimane class from a sponge of the genus Dysidea. Journal of Natural Products 60:1115–1120.
  391. PAULAY, G. 1997. Diversity and distribution of reef organisms. Pages 298–353 in C. Birkeland, editor. Life and Death of Coral Reefs. Chapman & Hall, New York.
  392. PAULAY, G. 1997. Productivity plays a major role in determining atoll life and form: Tarawa, Kiribati. Proceedings of the Eighth International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama 1:483–488.
  393. PENNINGS, S. C., PABLO, S. R., & PAUL, V. J. 1997. Chemical defenses of the tropical, benthic marine cyanobacterium Hormothamnion enteromorphoides: Diverse consumers and synergisms. Limnology and Oceanography 42:911–917.
  394. PETERS, E. C., GASSMAN, N. J., FIRMAN, J. C., RICHMOND, R. H., & POWER, E. A. 1997. Ecotoxicology of tropical marine ecosystems. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16:12–40.
  395. PITLIK, T. J. & PAUL, V. J. 1997. Effects of toughness, calcite level, and chemistry of crustose coralline algae (Rhodophyta, Corallinales) on grazing by the parrotfish Chlorurus sordidus. Proceedings of the Eighth International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama 1:701–706.
  396. PUGLISI, M. P. & PAUL, V. J. 1997. Intraspecific variation in the red alga Portieria hornemannii: Monoterpene concentrations are not influenced by nitrogen or phosphorus enrichment. Marine Biology 128:161–170.
  397. RICHMOND, R. H. 1997. Reproduction and recruitment in corals: Critical links in the persistence of reefs. Pages 175–197 in C. Birkeland, editor. Life and Death of Coral Reefs. Chapman & Hall, New York.
  398. ROWAN, R., KNOWLTON, N., BAKER, A., & JARA, J. 1997. Landscape ecology of algal symbionts creates variation in episodes of coral bleaching. Nature 388:265–269.
  399. THACKER, R. W., NAGLE, D. G., & PAUL, V. J. 1997. Effects of repeated exposures to marine cyanobacterial secondary metabolites on feeding by juvenile rabbitfish and parrotfish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 147:21–29.
  400. PAUL, V. J. 1997. Secondary metabolites and calcium carbonate as defenses of calcareous algae on coral reefs. Proceedings of the Eighth International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama 1:707–712.
  401. AVILA, C., BALLESTEROS, M., SLATTERY, M., STARMER, J., & PAUL, V. J. 1998. Phyllodesmium guamensis (Nudibranchia: Aeolidoidea), a new species from Guam (Micronesia). Journal of Molluscan Studies 64:147–160.
  402. BECERRO, M. A., PAUL, V. J., & STARMER, J. 1998. Intracolonial variation in chemical defenses of the sponge Cacospongia sp. and its consequences on generalist fish predators and the specialist nudibranch predator Glossodoris pallida. Marine Ecology Progress Series168:187–196.
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  404. HARRIGAN, G. G., LUESCH, H., YOSHIDA, W. Y., MOORE, R. E., NAGLE, D. G., PAUL, V. J., MOOBERRY, S. L., CORBETT, T. H., & VALERIOTE, F. A. 1998. Symplostatin 1: A dolastatin 10 analogue from the marine cyanobacterium Symploca hydnoides. Journal of Natural Products 61:1075–1077.
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  429. SCHUPP, P., EDER, C., PROKSCH, P., WRAY, V., SCHNEIDER, B., HERDERICH, M., & PAUL, V. 1999. Staurosporine derivatives from the ascidian Eudistoma toealensis and its predatory flatworm Pseudoceros sp. Journal of Natural Products 62:959–962.
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  461. LUESCH, H., PANGILINAN, R., YOSHIDA, W. Y., MOORE, R. E., & PAUL, V. J. 2001. Pitipeptolides A and B, new cyclodepsipeptides from the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula. Journal of Natural Products 64:304–307.
  462. LUESCH, H., MOORE, R. E., PAUL, V. J., MOOBERRY, S. L., & CORBETT, T. H. 2001. Isolation of dolastatin 10 from the marine cyanobacterium Symploca species VP642 and total stereochemistry and biological evaluation of its analogue symplostatin 1. Journal of Natural Products 64:907–910.
  463. LUESCH, H., YOSHIDA, W. Y., MOORE, R. E., PAUL, V. J., & CORBETT, T. H. 2001. Total structure determination of apratoxin A, a potent novel cytotoxin from the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula. Journal of the American Chemical Society 123:5418–5423.
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  465. PAULAY, G. 2001. Benthic ecology and biota of Tarawa Atoll lagoon: Influence of equatorial upwelling, circulation, and human harvest. Atoll Research Bulletin 487:1–41.
  466. PAULAY, G. & KERR, A. 2001. Patterns of coral reef development in Tarawa Atoll (Kiribati). Bulletin of Marine Science 69:1191–1208.
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  470. TEBANO, T. & PAULAY, G. 2001. Variable recruitment and changing environments create a fluctuating resource: the biology of Anadara (Bivalvia: Arcidae) on Tarawa Atoll. Atoll Research Bulletin 488:1–15.
  471. THACKER, R. W. & PAUL, V. J. 2001. Are benthic cyanobacteria indicators of nutrient enrichment? Relationships between cyanobacterial abundance and environmental factors on the reef flats of Guam. Bulletin of Marine Science 69:497–508.
  472. THACKER, R. W., GINSBURG, D. W., & PAUL, V. J. 2001. Effects of herbivore exclusion and nutrient enrichment on coral reef macroalgae and cyanobacteria. Coral Reefs 19:318–329.
  473. TOLLER, W. W., ROWAN, R., & KNOWLTON, N. 2001. Repopulation of zooxanthellae in the Caribbean corals Montastraea annularis and M. faveolata following experimental and disease-associated bleaching. Biological Bulletin 201:360–373.
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  483. LUESCH, H., YOSHIDA, W. Y., MOORE, R. E., PAUL, V. J., MOOBERRY, S. L., & CORBETT, T. H. 2002. Symplostatin 3, a new dolastatin 10 analogue from the marine cyanobacterium Symploca sp. VP452. Journal of Natural Products 65:16–20.
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  489. PUGLISI, M. P., PAUL, V. J., BIGGS, J., & SLATTERY, M. 2002. The co-occurrence of chemical and structural defenses in the gorgonian corals of Guam. Marine Ecology Progress Series 239:105–114.
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  496. WILLIAMS, P. G., YOSHIDA, W. Y., MOORE, R. E., & PAUL, V. J. 2002. Isolation and structure determination of obyanamide, a novel cytotoxic cyclic depsipeptide from the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya confervoides. Journal of Natural Products 65:29–31.
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  510. DONALDSON, T. J. 2003. Order Perciformes: Suborder Percoidei II: Bluefishes, dolphinfishes, roosterfishes, and remoras. Pages 211–218 in D. Thoney and P. Loiselle, editors. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, Vol. 5:  Fishes II. The Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan.
  511. DONALDSON, T. J. 2003. Order Perciformes: Suborder Percoidei III: Grunters, temperate basses and perches, snooks and giant perches, and relatives. Pages 219–234 in D. Thoney and P. Loiselle, editors. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, Vol. 5:  Fishes II. The Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan.
  512. DONALDSON, T. J. 2003. Order Perciformes: Suborder Percoidei IV: Goatfishes, butterflyfishes, angelfishes, chubs, and relatives. Pages 235–254 in D. Thoney and P. Loiselle, editors. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, Vol. 5:  Fishes II.  The Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan.
  513. DONALDSON, T. J. 2003. Order Perciformes: Suborder Percoidei V: Groupers, sea basses, trevallys, snappers, emperors, and relatives. Pages 255–274 in D. Thoney and P. Loiselle, editors. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, Vol. 5:  Fishes II. The Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan.
  514. DONALDSON, T. J. 2003. Order Tetraodontiformes: Pufferfishes, triggerfishes and relatives. Pages 467–486 in D. Thoney and P. Loiselle, editors. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, Vol. 5:  Fishes II. The Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan.
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  638. FEAGIN, R. A., MUKHERJEE, N., SHANKER, K., BAIRD, A.H., CINNER, J., KERR, A. M., KOEDAM, N., SRIDHAR, A., ARTHUR, R., JAYATISSA, L. P., SEEN, D. LO, MENON, M., RODRIGUEZ, S., SHAMSUDDOHA, M., & DAHDOUH-GUEBASM, F. 2010. Shelter from the storm? Use and misuse of coastal vegetation bioshields for managing natural disasters. Conservation Letters 3: 1–11.
  639. GABRIEL, D., PARENTE,  M. I., NETO, A. I., RAPOSO, M., SCHILS, T., & FREDERICQ, S. 2010. Phylogenetic appraisal of the genus Platoma (Nemastomatales, Rhodophyta), including life history and morphological observations on P. cyclocolpum from the Azores. Phycologia 49 (1): 2–21.
  640. HOUK, P. & VAN WOESIK, R. 2010. Coral assemblages and reef growth in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Marine Ecology. 31:318-329.
  641. HOUK, P. & STARMER, J. 2010. Constraints on the diversity and distribution of coral-reef assemblages in the volcanic Northern Mariana Islands. Coral Reefs 29:59-70.
  642. HOUK, P. & CAMACHO, R. 2010. Dynamics of seagrass assemblages in the Saipan Lagoon. Botanica Marina. 53: 68-79.
  643. HOUK, P. & RAUBANI, J. 2010. Acanthaster planci outbreaks in Vanuatu coincide with oceanically-derived chlorophyll blooms, furthering consistencies throughout the Pacific Ocean. Journal of Oceanography. 66:435-438.
  644. HOUK, P. & WILES, P. 2010. Water quality and herbivory interactively drive coral-reef recovery in American Samoa. PLoS ONE 5(11): e13913.
  645. KERR, A. M. 2010. Number of graphs with non-zero edge sets on an n x n square grid for n = (1, 2, 3, ...). The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.
  646. RUBIO, B. K., PARRISH, S. M., YOSHIDA, W., SCHUPP, P. J., SCHILS, T., & WILLIAMS, P. G. 2010. Depsipeptides from a Guamanian marine cyanobacterium, Lyngbya bouillonii, with selective inhibition of serine proteases. Tetrahedron Letters 51: 6718-6721.
  647. TRIBOLLET, A. D., SCHILS, T., & VROOM, P. S. 2010. Spatio-temporal variability in macroalgal assemblages of American Samoa. Phycologia 49: 574-591.
  648. AEBY, G. S., WILLIAMS, G. J., FRANKLIN, E. C., HAAPKYLA, J., HARVELL, C. D., NEALE, S., PAGE, C. A., RAYMUNDO, L. J., VARGAS-ANGEL, B., WILLIS, B., WORK, T., & DAVY, S. 2011. Growth anomalies on the coral genera Acropora and Porites are strongly associated with host density and human population size across the Indo-Pacific. PLoS One 6(2): 9pp.
  649. DENTON, G., TRIANNI, M., BEARDEN, B., HOUK, P., & STARMER, J. 2011. Impact of a medical waste incinerator on mercury levels in lagoon fish from a asmall tropical islands in the Western Pacific. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 74:823-827.
  650. GABRIEL, D., SCHILS, T., PARENTE, M. I., DRAISMA, S. G. A., NETO, A. I., & FREDERICQ, S. 2011. Taxonomic studies in the Schizymeniaceae (Nemastomatales, Rhodophyta): on the identity of Schizymenia sp. in the Azores and the generic placement of Nemastoma confusum. Phycologia 50(2): 109-121.
  651. KENKEL, C. D., AGLYAMOVA, G., ALAMARU, A., BHAGOOLI, R., CAPPER, R., CUNNING, R., DEVILLERS, A., HASLUN, J. A., HÉDOUIN, L., KESHAVMURTHY, S., KUEHL, K. A., MAHMOUD, H., MCGINTY, E. S., MONTOYA-MAYA, P. H., PALMER, C. V., PANTILE, R., SÁNCHEZ, J. A., SCHILS, T., SILVERSTEIN, R. N., SQUIERS, L. B., TANG, P.- C., GOULET, T. L., & MATZ M. V. 2011. Development of gene expression markers of acute heat-light stress in reef-building corals of the genus Porites. PLoS ONE 6: e26914.
  652. KERR, A. M., BAIRD, A. H., & HUGHES, T. P. 2011. Correlated evolution of sex and reproductive mode in corals (Anthozoa: Scleractinia). Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 278: 75–81.
  653. LOBBAN, C., RAYMUNDO, L. J., & MONTAGNES, D. 2011. Porpostoma guamensis n. sp., a Philasterine Scuticociliate Associated With Brown Band Disease of Corals. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 58(2):103-113.
  654. HOUK, P., BENAVENTE, D., & FREAD, V. 2012. Characterization and evaluation of coral-reef assemblages across Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia. Biodiversity and Conservation 21:2045-2059.
  655. HOUK, P., RHODES, K., MCILWAIN, J., CUETOS-BUENO, J., & LINDFIELD, S. 2012. Comparative assessment of commercial coral reef fisheries across Micronesia: the need for improved management. Coral Reefs 31:13-26.
  656. MULLER, E. M., RAYMUNDO, L. J., WILLIS, B. L., HAAPKYLA, J., YUSUF, S., WILSON, J. R., & HARVELL, C. D. 2012. Coral health and disease in the Spermonde Archipelago and Wakatobi, Sulawesi. Journ. Indonesia Coral Reefs 1(3):147-159.
  657. RUIZ-MORENO, D., WILLIS, B. L., PAGE, C. A., WEIL, E., CROQUER, A., VARGAS-ANGEL, B., JORDAN-GARZA, G., JORDAN, E., RAYMUNDO, L., & HARVELL, C. D. 2012. Global coral disease prevalence associated with sea temperature anomalies and local factors. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 100:249-261. 
  658. SCHILS, T. 2012. Episodic eruptions of volcanic ash trigger a reversible cascade of nuisance species outbreaks in pristine coral habitats. PLoS ONE 7(10): e46639.
  659. TAYLOR, B. M., MCILWAIN, J. L., & KERR, A. M. 2012. Marine reserves and reproductive biomass: A case study of a heavily targeted reef fish. Public Library of Science One 7: e39599.
  660. VAN WOESIK, R., HOUK, P., ISECHAL, A., IDECHONG, J., VICTOR, S., & GOLBUU, Y. 2012. Climate-change refugia in the sheltered bays of Palau: analogues of future reefs. Ecology and Evolution 2:2474-2484.
  661. VERBRUGGEN, H.* & SCHILS, T.* 2012. Rhipilia coppejansii, a new coral reef-associated species from Guam (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology 48(5): 1090-1098.
    *Both authors contributed equally to this work.
  662. BAUMAN, S. & KERR, A. M. 2013. Partula desolata sp. nov. (Pulmonata: Partulidae), an extinct land snail from Rota, Mariana Islands, Micronesia. Micronesica 2013-05: 1–12.
  663. HOUK, P., GOLBUU, Y., GORONG, B., GORONG, T., & FILMED, T. 2013. Watershed discharge patterns, secondary consumer abundances, and seagrass habitat condition in Yap, Micronesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 71:209-215.
  664. HOUK, P. & MUSBURGER, C. 2013. Trophic interactions and ecological stability across coral reefs in the Marshall Islands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 488:23-34.
  665. HOUK, P. & VAN WOESIK, R. 2013. Progress and perspectives on question-driven coral-reef
    monitoring. Bioscience. 63:297-303.
  666. KERR, A. M. 2013. Holothuria roseomaculata n. sp. (Aspidochirotida: Holothuriidae), a coral-reef inhabiting sea cucumber from the western Pacific Ocean. Zootaxa 3614: 384–394.
  667. KIM, S. W., KERR, A. M., & PAULAY, G. 2013. Color, confusion and crossing: resolution of species problems in Bohadschia (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 168: 81–97.
  668. MICHONNEAU, F., BORRERO-PEREZ, G. H., HONEY, M., KAMARUDIN, K. R., KERR, A.M., KIM, S., MEÑEZ, A., MILLER, A., OCHOA, J. A., OLAVIDES, R. D., PAULAY, G., SAMYN, Y., SETYASTUTI, A., SOLIS-MARIN, F., STARMER, J., & VANDENSPIEGEL, D. 2013. The littoral sea cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) fauna of Guam re-assessed – a diversity curve that still does not asymptote. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 54: 531–540.
  669. REDDING, J. R., MYERS-MILLER, R. L., BAKER, D. M., FOGEL, M., RAYMUNDO, L. J., & KIM, K. 2013. Link between sewage-derived nitrogen pollution and coral disease severity in Guam. Marine Pollution Bulletin 73:57-63.
  670. SCHILS, T., VROOM, P. S., & TRIBOLLET, A. D. 2013. Geographical partitioning of marine macrophyte assemblages in the tropical Pacific: a result of local and regional diversity processes. Journal of Biogeography 40: 1266-1277.
  671. CUETOS-BUENO, J. & HOUK, P. 2014. Re-estimation and synthesis of coral-reef fishery landings in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands since the 1950’s suggests the decline of a common resource. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 25(1): 179-194.
  672. HOUK, P., BENAVENTE, D., IGUEL, J., JOHNSON, S., & OKANO, R. 2014. Coral reef disturbance and recovery dynamics differ across gradients of localized stressors in the Mariana Islands. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105731.
  673. KIM, S. W., MILLER, A. K., BRUNSON, C., NETCHY, K., CLOUSE, R. M., JANIES, D., TARDY, E., & KERR, A. M. 2014. Shallow-water holothuroids (Echinodermata) of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia. Pacific Science 68: 397–420.
  674. REYNOLDS, T., BURDICK, D., HOUK, P., & RAYMUNDO, L. 2014. Unprececented coral bleaching across the Marianas Archipelago. Coral Reefs 33(2):499.
  675. TAYLOR, B. M., CHOAT, H., HOUK, P., & RUSS, G. 2014. Life histories predict vulnerability to overexploitation in parrotfishes. Coral Reefs 33(4): 869-878.
  676. CLOUSE, R. M., LINCHANGCO JR., G. V., KERR, A. M., REID, R. W., & JANIES, D. A. 2015. Phylotranscriptomic analysis uncovers a wealth of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases variants in echinoderms. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150377.
  677. HOUK, P., CAMACHO, R., JOHNSON, S., MCLEAN, M., & MAXIN, S., ET AL. 2015. The Micronesia Challenge: Assessing the relative contribution of stressors on coral reefs to facilitate science-to-management feedback. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0130823
  678. KERR, A. M., SCHILS, T., & RAULERSON, C. L. 2015. The University of Guam Herbarium: The First 50 Years. Micronesica 2015-01: 1–7.
  679. LOZADA-MISA, P., KERR, A. M., & RAYMUNDO, L. 2015. Contrasting lesion dynamics of white syndrome in Porites spp. PLoS One. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0129841. 14 pp.
  680. MAYNARD, J. A., MCKAGAN, S., RAYMUNDO, L., JOHNSON, S., AHMADIA, G., JOHNSTON, L., HOUK, P., WILLIAMS, G., KENDALL, M., HERON, S. F., VAN HOOIDONK, R., MCLEOD, E., & PLANES, S. 2015. Assessing relative resilience potential of coral reefs to inform management. Biological Conservation 192:109-119.
  681. MONTAMBAULT, J. R., WONGBUSARAKUM, S., LEBERER, T., JOSEPH, E., ANDREW, W., CASTRO, F., NEVITT, B., GOLBUU, Y., OLDIAIS, N. W., GROVES, C. R., KOSTKA, W., & HOUK, P. 2015. Use of monitoring data to support conservation management and policy decisions in Micronesia. Conservation Biology 29, 1279-1289.
  682. PINKERTON, K., BAKER, D. M., CUDDY, M. R., RAYMUNDO, L. J., MEYER, K. A., & KIM, K. 2015. Nitrogen dynamics on Guam as revealed by the seagrass Enhalus acoroides. Marine Ecology Progress Series 528:117-126.
  683. ROSEN, G., RIVERA-DUARTE, I., DOLECAL, R. E., RAYMUNDO, L. J., CALVIN, M. A., & EARLEY, P. J. 2015. Nickel and Copper toxicity to embryos of the long-spined sea urchin, Diadema savignyi. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 95(1):6-11
  684. VARGAS-ÁNGEL, B., RICHARDS, C. L., VROOM, P. S., PRICE, N. N., SCHILS, T., YOUNG, C. W.,  SMITH, J., JOHNSON, M. D., & BRAINARD, R. E. 2015. Baseline assessment of net calcium carbonate accretion rates on U.S. Pacific reefs. PLoS ONE 10: e0142196.
  685. CABALLES, C. F., PRATCHETT, M. S., KERR, A. M., & RIVERA-POSADA, J. A. 2016. The role of maternal nutrition on oocyte size and quality, with respect to early larval development in the coral-eating starfish, Acanthaster planci. Public Library of Science One 11(6) e0158007.
  686. COMBOSCH, D. J. & GIRIBET, G. 2016 Clarifying phylogenetic relationships and the evolutionary history of the bivalve order Arcida (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pteriomorphia). Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 94: 298-312
  687. ETTI, T. R. & SCHILS, T. 2016. Global biogeography of marine algae with applications for coral reef connectivity. Proceedings of the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu: 28-47.
  688. FUJIMURA, A., SOLOVIEV, A., RHEE, S. H., ROMEISER, R. 2016. Coupled model simulation of wind stress effect on far wakes of ships in SAR Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54(5): 2543-2551, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2015.2502940
  689. GABRIEL, D., DRAISMA, S. G. A., SAUVAGE, T., SCHMIDT, W.E., SCHILS, T., LIM, P. -E., HARRIS, D. J., & FREDERICQ, S. 2016. Multilocus phylogeny reveals Gibsmithia hawaiiensis (Dumontiaceae, Rhodophyta) to be a species complex from the Indo-Pacific, with the proposal of G. eilatensis sp. nov. Phytotaxa 277(1): 1-20.
  690. JANIES, D. A., WITTER, Z., LINCHANGCO, G. V., FOLTZ, D. W., MILLER, A. K., KERR, A. M., JAY, J., REID, R. W., & WRAY, G. A. 2016. EchinoDB, an application for comparative transcriptomics of deeply-sampled clades of echinoderms. BMC Bioinformatics 17: 48.
  691. KERR, A. M. & FEIDLER, G. C. 2016. Sinistral coiling in the arboreal snail Partula gibba Férussac, 1821 (Partulidae: Stylommatophora) from Guam, Mariana Islands, Micronesia. American Malacological Bulletin 34: 1–5.
  692. LAWLEY, J. W., LEWIS, A. C., BENTLAGE, B, YANAGIHARA, A, GOODWILL, R., KAYAL, E., HURWITZ, K., & COLLINS, A. G. 2016. Distribution of the box jellyfish Alatina alata: circumtropical species or multiple invasions? Biological Bulletin 231: 152-169.
  693. LEMER, S., COMBOSCH, D., DUMALE, D., SOTTO, F., SOLIMAN, V., & GIRIBET, G. 2016 The family Pinnidae (Bivalvia) in the Philippine archipelago: observations on its distribution and phylogeography. Nautilus 130(4): 137-145
  694. LEMER, S., GONZÁLEZ, V., BIELER, R., & GIRIBET, G. 2016. Cementing mussels to oysters in the pteriomorphian tree: phylogenomic approach. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 283:1833
  695. MCLEAN, M., CUETOS-BUENO, J., NEDLIC, O., LUCKYMIS, M., & HOUK, P. 2016. Local stressors, resilience, and shifting baselines on coral reefs. PLoS ONE 11: e0166319. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0166319
  696. MORGAN, S. G., SHANKS, A. L., FUJIMURA, A. G., RENIERS, A. J. H. M., MACMAHAN, J., GRIESEMER, C. D., JARVIS, M., & BROWN, J. 2016. Surf zone hydrodynamics as a key determinant of spatial variation in marine communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283: 20161017, doi:org/10.1098/rspb.2016.1017
  697. RAYMUNDO, L. J., MYERS, R. L., & LOZADA-MISA, P. L. 2016. A role of the gastropod Coralliophila violacea in the transmission of white syndrome in the scleractinian corals Porites spp. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 119:75-83
  698. SAFAVI-HEMAMI, H., LU, A., LI, Q., FEDOSOV, A. E., BIGGS, J., CORNELI, P. S., SEGER, J., YANDELL, M., & OLIVERA B. M. 2016. Venom Insulins of Cone Snails Diversify Rapidly and Track Prey Taxa, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 33, Issue 11, 1 November 2016, Pages 2924–2934,
  699. SCHILS, T. & GUIRY, M. D. 2016. Donor-recipient relationships of non-indigenous marine macroalgae between tropical Pacific Islands. Cryptogamie Algologie 37 (3): 1-14.
  700. SHANKS, A. L., MORGAN, S. G., MACMAHAN, J., RENIERS, A. J. H. M., KUDELA, R., JARVIS, M., BROWN, J., FUJIMURA, A., ZICCARELLI, L., & GRIESEMER, C. (2016) Variation in the abundance of Pseudo-nitzschia and domoic acid with surf zone type. Harmful Algae, 55: 172-178, doi:10.1016/j.hal.2016.03.004
  701. VAN HOOIDONK, R., MAYNARD, J., TAMELANDER, J., GOVE, J., AHMADIA, G,. RAYMUNDO, L., WILLIAMS, G., HERON, S., & PLANES, S. 2016. Local-scale projections of coral reef futures and implications of the Paris Agreement. Nature Science Reports 6:39666. DOI: 10.1038/srep39666. 8 pp.
  702. AGARWAL, V., BLANTON, J. M., PODELL, S., TATON, A., SCHORN, M. A., BUSCH, J., LIN, Z., SCHMIDT, E. W., JENSEN, P. R., PAUL, V. J., BIGGS, J. S., GOLDEN, J. W., ALLEN, E. E., & MOORE, B. S. 2017. "Metagenomic discovery of polybrominated diphenyl ether biosynthesis by marine sponges." Nature Chemical Biology. 13 (5):537–543.
  703. COMBOSCH, D. J., COLLINS, T. M., GLOVER, E. A., GRAF, D. L., HARPER, E. M., HEALY, J. M., KAWAUCHI, G. Y., LEMER, S., MCINTYRE, E., STRONG, E. E., TAYLOR, J. D., ZARDUS, J. D.,  MIKKELSEN, P. M., GIRIBET, G., & BIELER, R. 2017 A family-level Tree of Life for bivalves based on a Sanger-sequencing approach. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 107: 191–208
  704. COMBOSCH, D. J., LEMER, S., LANDMAN, N., WARD, P., & GIRIBET, G. 2017. Genomic signatures of evolution in the living fossil Nautilus. Molecular Ecology, 26:5923-5938.
  705. COMBOSCH, D. J., LEMER, S., WARD, P. D., LANDMAN, N. H., & GIRIBET, G. 2017 Genomic signatures of evolution in Nautilus–an endangered living fossil. Molecular Ecology 26(21): 5923–5938
  706. DUPREY, N., WANG, X. T., THOMPSON, P. D., PLEADWELL, J., RAYMUNDO, L. J., KIM, K., SIGMAN, D. M., & BAKER, D. M. 2017. Life and death of a sewage treatment plant recorded in a coral skeleton ∂15N record. Marine Pollution Bulletin online first
  707. FUJIMURA, A. G., RENIERS, A. J. H. M., PARIS, C. B., SHANKS, A. L., MACMAHAN, J. H., & MORGAN, S. G. 2017. Numerical simulations of onshore transport of larvae and detritus to a steep pocket beach. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 582: 33-43, doi:10.3354/meps12331
  708. FUJIMURA, A. G & RIEGL, B. M. 2017. Effects of water flow on intra- and intercolonial variabilities in bleaching of the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 490: 29-33, doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2017.02.006
  709. GABRIEL, D., DRAISMA, S. G. A., SCHMIDT, W. E., SCHILS, T., SAUVAGE, T., MARIDAKIS, C., GURGEL, C. F. D., HARRIS, D. J., & FREDERICQ, S. 2017. Beneath the hairy look: the hidden reproductive diversity of the Gibsmithia hawaiiensis complex (Dumontiaceae, Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology 53(6) :1171-1192.
  710. GILBERT, P. U., BERGMANN, K. D., MYERS, C. E., DEVOL, R. T., SUN, C. Y., BLONSKY, A. Z., ZHAO, J., KARAN, E. A., TAMRE, E., TAMURA, N., MARCUS, M. A., GIUFFRE, A. J., LEMER, S., GIRIBET, G., EILER, J. E., & KNOLL, A. H. 2017. Nacre tablet thickness records formation temperature in modern and fossil shells. Earth and Planetary Science Letters; 460:281-292
  711. GRANGE, L., SMITH, C. R., LINDSAY, D. J., BENTLAGE, B., & YOUNGBLUTH, M. J. 2017. High Abundance of the Epibenthic Trachymedusa Ptychogastria polaris Allman, 1878 (Hydrozoa, Trachylina) in Subpolar Fjords along the West Antarctic Peninsula. PLoS One 12: e0168648.
  712. HOFFMAN, R., WYNNE, M. J., SCHILS, T., LOPEZ-BAUTISTA, J., & VERBRUGGEN, H. 2017. Codium pulvinatum (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta), a new species from the Arabian Sea, recently introduced into the Mediterranean Sea. Phycologia 57(1): 79-89.
  713. HOUK, P., TILFAS, R., LUCKYMIS, M., NEDLIC, O., NED, B., CUETOS-BUENO, J., & MCLEAN, M. In Press. An applied framework to assess exploitation and guide management of coral-reef fisheries. Ecosphere 8(3), e01727.
  714. LINCHANGCO JR., G. V., FOLTZ, D. W., REID, R., WILLIAMS, J., NODZAK, C., KERR, A. M., MILLER, A. K., HUNTER, R., WILSON, N. G., NIELSEN, W. J., MAH, C. L., ROUSE, G. W., WRAY, G. A., & JANIES, D. A. 2017. Phylogeny of extant starfish (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) including Xyloplax, based on comparative transcriptomics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 115: 161–170.
  715. LINDSAY, D. J., GROSSMANN, M. M., BENTLAGE, B., COLLINS, A. G., MINEMIZU, R., HOPCROFT, R. R., MIYAKE, H., HIDAKA-UMETSU, M., & NISHIKAWA, J. 2017. The perils of online biogeographic databases: A case study with the “monospecific” genus Aegina. Marine Biology Research 13: 494-512.
  716. LOCKWOOD, D. 2017. Persistent Organic Pollutants, made by Nature (featuring BIGGS, J.S.). C&EN, 2017, 95 (42), pp 13–15.
  717. LONGENECKER, K., LANGSTON, R., BOLICK, H., CRANE, M., DONALDSON, T. J., FRANKLIN, E. C., KELOKELO, M., KONDIO, U., & POTUKU, T. 2017.   Rapid reproductive analysis and length–weight relations for five species of coral-reef fishes (Actinopterygii) from Papua New Guinea:  Nemipterus isacanthus, Parupeneus barberinus, Kyphosus cinerascens,  Ctenochaetus striatus (Perciformes), and Balistapus undulatus  (Tetraodontiformes). Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 47: 107–124.
  718. MEYER, J. L., PAUL, V., RAYMUNDO, L., & TEPLITSKI, M. 2017. Comparative metagenomics of the polymicrobial Black Band Disease of corals. Frontiers in Microbiology: Aquatic Microbiology. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.00618.
  719. MILLER, A. K., KERR, A. M., PAULAY, G., REICH, M., WILSON, N. G., CARVAJAL, J. I., & ROUSE, G. W. 2017. Molecular phylogeny of extant Holothuroidea (Echinodermata). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 111: 110–131.
  720. MOELLER, M., NIETZER, S., SCHILS, T., & SCHUPP, P. J. 2017. Low sediment loads affect survival of coral recruits: the first weeks are crucial. Coral Reefs 36(1): 39–49.
  721. MORGAN, S. G., SHANKS, A. L., MACMAHAN, J., RENIERS, A. J. H. M., GRIESEMER, C. D., JARVIS, M., FUJIMURA, A. G., & BROWN, J. 2017. Surf zones regulate larval supply and zooplankton subsidies to nearshore communities. Limnology and Oceanography, 62(6): 2811-2828, doi:10.1002/lno.10609
  722. NARWANI, A., BENTLAGE, B., ALEXANDROU, M. A., FRITSCHIE, K. J., DELWICHE, C., OAKLEY, T. H., & CARDINALE, B. J. 2017. Transcriptomics of species interactions and coexistence in freshwater green algae. Journal of Ecology 105: 580-591.
  723. RAYMUNDO, L. J., BURDICK, D., LAPACEK, V. A., MILLER, R., & BROWN, V. 2017. Anomalous temperatures and extreme tides: Guam staghorn Acropora succumb to a double threat. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 564:47-55.
  724. SCHWENTNER, M., COMBOSCH, D.J., NELSON, J.P., & GIRIBET, G. 2017. A Phylogenomic Solution to the Origin of Insects by Resolving Crustacean-Hexapod Relationships. Current Biology 27(12): 1818-1824
  725. TORRES, J. P., TIANERO, M. D., ROBES, J. M. D., KWAN, J. C., BIGGS, J. S., CONCEPCION, G. P., OLIVERA, B. M., HAYGOOD, M. G., & SCHMIDT, E. W. 2017. Stenotrophomonas-Like Bacteria Are Widespread Symbionts in Cone Snail Venom Ducts. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Nov 2017, 83 (23) e01418-17; DOI: 10.1128/AEM.01418-17
  726. MILLER, A. K., KERR, A. M., PAULAY, G., REICH, M., WILSON, N. G., CARVAJAL, J. I., &  ROUSE, G. W.  2017. Molecular phylogeny of extant Holothuroidea (Echinodermata). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 111: 110–131.
  727. BENTLAGE, B., OSBORN, K. J., LINDSAY, D. J., HOPCROFT, R. R., & COLLINS, A. G. 2018. Loss of metagenesis and evolution of a parasitic life style in a group of open ocean jellyfish. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 124: 50-59.
  728. BRUMLEY, D., SPENCER, K. A., GUNASEKERA, S. P., SAUVAGE, T., BIGGS, J., PAUL, V. J., & LUESCH, H. 2018. “Isolation and Characterization of Anaephenes A–C, Alkylphenols from a Filamentous Cyanobacterium (Hormoscilla sp., Oscillatoriales)” J. Nat. Prod. 81 (12), 2716-2721; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.8b00650
  729. CUETOS-BUENO, J., HERNANDEZ-ORTIZ, D., GRAHAM, C., & HOUK, P. 2018. Human and environmental gradients predict catch, effort, and species composition in a large Micronesian coral-reef fishery. PLoS ONE 13: e 0198068. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198068
  730. CUETOS-BUENO, J., HERNANDEZ-ORTIZ, D., & HOUK, P. 2018. Co-evolution of “race-to-fish” dynamics and declining size structures in an expanding commercial coral-reef fishery. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.
  731. CUETOS-BUENO, J. & HOUK, P. 2018. Disentangling economic, social, and environmental drivers of coral-reef fish trade in Micronesia. Fisheries Research. 199, 263-270.
  732. EDMUNDS, P. J., MCILROY, S. E., ADJEROUD, M., ANG, P., BERGMAN, J. L., CARPENTER, R. C., COFFROTH, M. A., FUJIMURA, A. G., HENCH, J. L., HOLBROOK, S. J., LEICHTER, J. J., MUKO, S., NAKAJIMA, Y., NAKAMURA, M., PARIS, C. B., SCHMITT, R. J., SUTTHACHEEP, M., TOONEN, R. J., SAKAI, K., SUZUKI, G., WASHBURN, L., WYATT, A. S. J., & MITARAI, S. 2018. Critical information gaps impeding understanding of the role of larval connectivity among coral reef islands in an era of global change. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5:290, doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.00290
  733. FUJIMURA, A. G. 2018. Plankton in turbulence. De Physicus, 29(2): 62-63
  734. FUJIMURA, A. G., RENIERS, A. J. H. M., PARIS, C. B., SHANKS, A. L., MACMAHAN, J. H., & MORGAN, S. G. 2018. Mechanisms of Cross-Shore Transport and Spatial Variability of Phytoplankton on a Rip-Channeled Beach. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5:183, doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.00183
  735. HARBORNE, A. R., GREEN, A. L., PETERSON, N. A., BEGER, M., GOLBUU, Y., HOUK, P., SPALDING, M. D., TAYLOR, B. M., TERK, E., TREML, E. A., VICTOR, S., VIGLIOLA, L., WILLIAMS, I. D., WOLFF, N. H., ERMGASSEN, P., & MUMBY, P. 2018. Modelling and mapping regional-scale patterns of fishing impact and fish stocks to support coral-reef management in Micronesia. Diversity and Distributions. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12814
  736. HOUK, P., CUETOS-BUENO, J., KERR, A. M., & MCCANN, K. 2018. Linking fishing pressure with ecosystem thresholds and food-web stability on coral reefs. Ecological Monographs. 88(1), 109-119.
  737. HOUK, P., CUETOS-BUENO, J., TIBBATTS, B., & GUTIERREZ, J. 2018. Variable density dependence and the restructuring of coral-reef fisheries across 25 years of exploitation. Scientific Reports. 8: 5725.
  738. JACKREL, S., NARWANI, A., BENTLAGE, B., LEVINE, R., HIETALA, D., SAVAGE, P., OAKLEY, T., DENEF, V., & CARDINALE, B. 2018. Ecological engineering helps maximize function in algal bio-oil production. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 00953-18.
  739. KAYAL, E., BENTLAGE, B., PANKEY, M. S., OHDERA, A. H., MEDINA, M., PLACHETZKI, D., COLLINS, A. G., & RYAN, J. F. 2018. Phylogenomics provides a robust topology of major cnidarian lineages and insights on the origins of key organismal traits. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18, 68.
  740. KERR, A. M. & FIEDLER, G. C. 2016. Sinistral coiling in the arboreal snail Partula gibba Férussac, 1821 (Partulidae: Stylommatophora) from Guam, Mariana Islands, Micronesia. American Malacological Bulletin 34: 1–5.
  741. LAROCHE, C. K., GOLDSTEIN, B. R., CYBULSKI, J. D., RAYMUNDO, L. J., AOKI, L. R., & KIM, K. 2018. Decade of change in Enhalus acoroides seagrass meadows in Guam, Mariana Islands. Marine and Freshwater Research, 69:1-9.
  742. LELIAERT, F., PAYO D. A., GURGEL, C. F. D., SCHILS, T., DRAISMA, S. G. A., SAUNDERS, G. W., KAMIYA, M., SHERWOOD, A. R., LIN, S. M., HUISMAN, J. M., LE GALL, L., ANDERSON, R. J., BOLTON, J. J., MATTIO, L., ZUBIA, M., PAYRI, C., SPOKES, T., JOHNSTON, E. T., VIEIRA, C., COPPEJANS, E., D'HONDT, S., VERBRUGGEN, H. & DE CLERCK, O. 2018. Patterns and drivers of species diversity in the Indo-Pacific red seaweed Portieria. Journal of Biogeography 45(10): 2299-2313.
  743. PODELL, S., BLANTON, J. M., NEU, A., AGARWAL, V., BIGGS, J. S., MOORE, B. S., & ALLEN, E. E. 2018. Pangenomic comparison of globally distributed Poribacteria associated with sponge hosts and marine particles. 2018. ISME J. 2018 Oct 5. doi: 10.1038/s41396-018-0292-9.
  744. PRATHAPAN, K. D., PETHIYAGODA, R., BAWA, K. S., RAVEN, P. H., & RAJAN, P. D., & 172 co-signatories from 35 countries (including BENTLAGE, B.) 2018. When the cure kills – CBD limits biodiversity research. Science 360, 1405-1406.
  745. RAYMUNDO, L. J., LICUANAN, W. Y., & KERR, A. M. 2018. Adding insult to injury: Ship groundings are associated with coral disease in a pristine reef. PLoS One. 13(9):e020939.
  746. SHANKS, A. L., MORGAN, S. G., MACMAHAN, J., RENIERS, A. J. H. M., JARVIS, M., BROWN, J., FUJIMURA, A., ZICCARELLI, L., & GRIESEMER, C. 2018. Persistent differences in horizontal gradients in phytoplankton concentration maintained by surf zone hydrodynamics. Estuaries and Coasts, 41(1): 158-176, doi:10.1007/s12237-017-0278-2
  747. ACEVEDO, M. J., STRAEHLER-POHL, I., MORANDINI, A. C., STAMPAR, S. N., BENTLAGE, B., MATSUMOTO, G. I., YANAGIHARA, A., TOSHINO, S., BORDEHORE, C., & FUENTES, V. L. 2019. Revision of the genus Carybdea (Cnidaria: Cubozoa: Carybdeidae): clarifying the identity of its type species Carybdea marsupialis. Zootaxa 4543:515-548.
  748. BENTLAGE, B. 2019. Carybdea alata auct. (Cubozoa): rediscovery of the Alatina grandis type. Zootaxa, 2713, 52-54.
  749. CHIN, A., BAJE, L., DONALDSON, T. J., GERHARDT, K., JABADO, R. W., KYNE, P. M., MANA, R., MESCAM, G., MOURIER, J., PLANES, S. & WEN, C. 2019.  The scientist abroad: Maximising research impact and effectiveness when working as a visiting scientist.  Biological Conservation 238: 108231  (
  750. COMEROS-RAYNAL, M. T., LAWRENCE, A., SUDEK, M., VAEOSO, M., MCGUIRE, K., REGIS, J., & HOUK, P. 2019. Applying a ridge-to-reef framework to support watershed, water quality, and communitybased fisheries management in American Samoa. Coral Reefs. 38: 505-520.
  751. COMFORT, C. M., WALKER, G., MCMANUS, M. A., FUJIMURA, A. G., OSTRANDER, C. E., &  DONALDSON, T. J. 2019. Physical dynamics at the ocean-estuary interface: an oceanographic study of Pago Bay, Guam.  Regional Studies in Marine Science 31: 100740.
  752. CUNHA, T.*, LEMER, S., BOUCHET, P., KANO, Y., & GIRIBET, G. 2019. Putting keyhole limpets on the map: Phylogeny and biogeography of the global marine family Fissurellidae (Vetigastropoda, Mollusca). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution; 135:249-269
  753. DARLING, E. S., MCCLANAHAN, T. R., MAINA, J., …., & HOUK, P., ... 2019. Social-environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene. Nature Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-019-0953-8
  754. FUJIMURA, A. G., LEHNER, S., SOLOVIEV, A., & LI, X. 2019. Sea Surface Roughness Observed by High Resolution Radar. Remote Sensing, 11(17), 2026, doi:10.3390/rs11172026
  755. GUNASEKERA, S., MEYER, J., DING, Y., ABBOUD, K., LUO, D., CAMPBELL, J. E., ANGERHOFER, A., GOODSELL, J., RAYMUNDO, L. J., LIU, J., YE, T., LUESCH, H., TEPLITSKI, M., & PAUL, V. 2019. Chemical and Metagenomic Studies of the Lethal Black Band Disease of Corals Reveal Two Broadly-Distributed, Redox-Sensitive Mixed Polyketide/Peptide Macrocycles. Journal of Natural Products.
  756. LAUMER, C., FERNÁNDEZ, R., LEMER, S., COMBOSCH, D., KOCOT, K., RIESGO, A., ANDRADE, S., STERRER, W., SØRENSEN, M., & GIRIBET, G. 2019. Revisiting metazoan phylogeny with genomic sampling of all phyla. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 286(1906): 20190831
  757. LEIVA, C., TABOADA, S., KENNY, N. J., COMBOSCH, D., GIRIBET, G., JOMBART, T., & RIESGO, A. 2019. Population substructure and signals of divergent adaptive selection despite admixture in the sponge Dendrilla antarctica from shallow waters surrounding the Antarctic Peninsula. Molecular Ecology 28(13): 3151-3170
  758. LEMER, S., BIELER, R., & GIRIBET, G. 2019. Resolving the relationships of clams and cockles: dense transcriptome sampling drastically improves the bivalve tree of life. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: 283
  759. MCLEAN, M., AUBER, A., GRAHAM, N. A. J., HOUK, P., VILLEGER, S., VIOLLE, C., WILSON, S. K., & MOUILLOT, D. 2019. Trait structure and redundancy determine sensitivity to disturbance in marine fish communities. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14662
  760. RAYMUNDO, L. J., BURDICK, D., HOOT, W. C., MILLER, R. M., BROWN, V., REYNOLDS, T., GAULT, J., IDECHONG, J., FIFER, J., & WILLIAMS, A. 2019. Successive bleaching events cause mass coral mortality in Guam, Micronesia. Coral Reefs. 38(4):677-700.
  761. SCHORN, M. A., JORDAN, P. A., PODELL, S., BLANTON, J. M., AGARWAL, V, BIGGS, J. S., ALLEN, E. E., & MOORE, B. S. 2019.  Comparative genomics of cyanobacterial symbionts reveals distinct, specialized   metabolism in tropical Dysideidae sponges. mBio 10: e00821-19. /mBio.00821-19
  762. SWEET, M., BURIAN, A., FIFER, J., BULLING, M., ELLIOT, D., & RAYMUNDO, L. J. 2019. Compositional homogeneity in the pathobiome of a new, slow-spread coral disease. Microbiome 7(139). doi: 10.1186/s40168-019-0759-6
  763. WALKER, N. S., FERNÁNDEZ, R., SNEED, J. M., PAUL, V. J., GIRIBET, G., & COMBOSCH, D. J. 2019. Differential Gene Expression During Substrate Probing in Larvae of the Caribbean Coral Porites astreoides. Molecular Ecology 28(22): 4899-4913
  764. WONG, C. W. M., CONTI-JEMPE, I. E., RAYMUNDO, L. J., DINGLE, C., ARAUJO, G., PONZO, A., & BAKER, D. M. 2019. Whale shark tourism: Impacts on coral reefs in the Philippines. Environmental Management 63(2):282-291.
  765. BENTLAGE, B. & COLLINS, A. 2020. Tackling the phylogenetic conundrum of Hydroidolina (Cnidaria: Medusozoa: Hydrozoa) by assessing competing tree topologies with targeted high-throughput sequencing. bioRxiv.
  766. BERG, J., DAVID, C.M., GABRIEL, M. M., & BENTLAGE, B. 2020. Fluorescence signatures of persistent photosystem damage in the staghorn coral Acropora cf. pulchra (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) during bleaching and recovery. Marine Biology Research, 16, 643 - 655.
  767. CAMACHO, R. & HOUK, P. 2020. Decoupling seasonal and temporal dynamics of macroalgal canopy cover in seagrass beds. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 525: 151310.
  768. GABRIEL, D., DRAISMA, S. G. A., SCHILS, T., SCHMIDT, W. E., SAUVAGE, T., HARRIS, D. J., NORRIS, J. N., & FREDERICQ, S. 2020. Quite an oddity: new worldwide records of Renouxia (Rhodogorgonales, Rhodophyta), including R. marerubra sp. nov. European Journal of Phycology 55(2): 197-206.
  769. GEERAERT, M., DUPREY, N. N., MCILROY, S., THOMPSON, P. D., GOLDSTEIN, B. R., LAROCHE, C., KIM, K., RAYMUNDO, L. J., & BAKER, D. M. 2020. Anthropogenic-N footprint in a tropical lagoon: spatial variability in the stable N isotope ratio of a marine alga. Pacific Science 74(1).
  770. GREENE, A., DONAHUE, M. L., CALDWELL, J. M., HERON, S. F., GEIGER, E., & RAYMUNDO, L. J. 2020. Coral disease time series highlight size-dependent risk and other drivers of White Syndrome in a multi-species model. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:601469.
  771. GREENE, A., LEGGAT, W., DONAHUE, M., RAYMUNDO, L. J., CALDWELL, J., MORIARTY, T., HERON, S., & AINSWORTH, T. 2020. Complementary sampling methods for coral histology, metabolomics, and microbiome. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13431
  772. HOUK, P., COMEROS-RAYNAL, M., LAWRENCE, A., SUDEK, M., VAEOSO, M., MCGUIRE, K., & REGIS, J.  2020. Nutrient thresholds to protect water quality and coral reefs. Marine Pollution Bulletin 159:111451.
  773. HOUK, P., YALON, A., MAXIN, S., STARSINIC, C., MCINNIS, A., GOUEZO, M., GOLBUU, Y., & VAN WOESIK, R. 2020. Predicting coral-reef futures from El Nino and Pacific Decadal Oscillation events. Scientific Reports 10:7735.
  774. JOHNSON, S. M., REYEW, B., YALON, A., MCLEAN, M., & HOUK, P. 2020. Contextualizing the socialecological outcomes of coral reef fisheries management. Biological Conservation 241: 108288.
  775. LEBER, C. A., NAMAN, C. B., KELLER, L., ALMALITI, J., CARO-DIAZ, E. J. E., GLUKHOV, E., JOSEPH, V., SAJEEVAN, T. P., REYES, A. J., BIGGS, J. S., LI, T., YUAN, Y., HE, S., YAN, X., & GERWICK, W. H. 2020. Applying a Chemogeographic Strategy for Natural Product Discovery from the Marine Cyanobacterium Moorena bouillonii. Mar. Drugs 2020, 18, 515.
  776. LI, J., LEMER, S., KIRKENDALE, L., BIELER, R., CAVANAUGH, C., & GIRIBET, G. 2020. Shedding light: A phylotranscriptomic perspective illuminates the origin of photosymbiosis in marine bivalves. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 20, 1-15
  777. LONGENECKER, K., GILL, A., KELOKELO, M., LANGSTON, R., DONALDSON, T. J., & FRANKLIN, E. 2020. Rapid reproductive analysis and weight-length relation of the humpnose big-eye bream, Monotaxis grandoculis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Lethrinidae), from Micronesia with implications for fisheries. Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria, 50, 493-500.
  778. MATSUMOTO, G., BENTLAGE, B., SHERLOCK, R. E., WALZ, K., & ROBISON, B. 2020. “Little Red Jellies” in Monterey Bay, California (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Trachymedusae: Rhopalonematidae). Frontiers in Marine Science, 6.
  779. MOHANTY, I., MOORE, S. G., YI, D., BIGGS, J.S., GAUL, D. A., GARG, N., & AGARWAL, V. 2020. Precursor-guided mining of marine sponge metabolomes lends insight into biosynthesis of pyrrole-imidazole alkaloids. ACS Chem. Biol. DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.0c00375 
  780. MOHANTY, I., PODELL, S., BIGGS, J. S., GARG, N., ALLEN, E. E., & AGARWAL, V. 2020. Multi-Omic Profiling of Melophlus Sponges Reveals Diverse Metabolomic and Microbiome Architectures that Are Non-overlapping with Ecological Neighbors.Marine Drugs 18(2):124 DOI: 10.3390/md18020124 
  781. PODELL, S., BLANTON, J. M., OLIVER, A., SCHORN, M. A., AGARWAL, V., BIGGS, J. S., MOORE, B. S., & ALLEN, E. 2020. A genomic view of trophic and metabolic diversity in clade-specific Lamellodysidea sponge microbiomes. Microbiome 8, 97.
  782. THURBER, R. V., MYDLARZ, L. D., BRANDT, M., HARVELL, C.D., WEIL, E., RAYMUNDO, L. J., WILLIS, B., LANGEVIN, S., TRACY, A. M., LITTMAN, R., KEMP, K. M., DAWKINS, P., PRAGER, K. C., GARREN, M., & LAMB, J. 2020. In review. Deciphering Coral Disease Dynamics: Integrating Host, Microbiome, and the Changing Environment. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
  783. WEPFER, P. H., NAKAJIMA, Y., SUTTHACHEEP, M., RADICE, V. Z., RICHARDS, Z., ANG, P., TERRANEO, T., SUDEK, M., FUJIMURA, A. G., TOONEN, R. J., MIKHEYEV, A. S., ECONOMO, E. P., & MITARAI, S. 2020. Evolutionary biogeography of the reef-building coral genus Galaxea across the Indo-Pacific ocean. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 151:106905, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106905
  784. ANDERSON, L., HOUK, P., MILLER, M. G., CUETOS-BUENO, J., GRAHAM, C., KANEMOTO, K., TERK, E., MCLEOD, E., & BEGER, M. 2021. In press. Trait groups as management entities in a complex, mjulti-species reef fishery. Conservation Biology. 10.1111/cobi.13866
  785. BUDD, A. M., COOPER, M. K., LE PORT, A., SCHILS, T., MILLS, M. S., DEINHART, M. E., HUERLIMANN, R., & STRUGNELL, J. M. 2021. First detection of critically endangered scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) in Guam, Micronesia, in five decades using environmental DNA. Ecological Indicators 127: 107649.
  786. FABIAN, V., HOUK, P., & LEMER, S. 2021. Phylogeny of Micronesian emperor fishes and evolution of trophic types. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 162:107207.
  787. FIFER, J., BENTLAGE, B., LEMER, S., FUJIMURA, A. G., SWEET, M., RAYMUNDO, L. J. 2021. Going with the flow: How corals in high-flow environments can beat the heat. Molecular Ecology, 30(9):2009-2024,
  788. GILL, A., FRANKLIN, E., & DONALDSON, T. J. 2021. Fore reef location influences spawning success and egg predation in lek-like mating territories of the bird wrasse, Gomphosus varius. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 1-11.
  789. HOUK, P., LEMER, S., HERNANDEZ-ORTIZ, D., & CUETOS-BUENO, J. 2021. Phylogenies predict compensatory density dependence in coral-reef fisheries. Ecological Applications, 31:7, e02409.
  790. KERR, A. M., SABLAN, J. D., WILLIAMS, M. K., GALSIM, F., GUERRERO, P. C., TOWNSEND, A. L ., DAVIS, J. K., BORJA, G. C., OLEKSY, R., FUREY, J. F., BENAVENTE, D. L., DERRINGTON, E. M., & GAWEL, A. 2021. Long-term, low incidence of web-decorating by spiders in the Mariana Islands, Micronesia. Ecology, e03433 .
  791. MILLS, M. S. & SCHILS, T. 2021. The habitat-modifying red alga Ramicrusta on Pacific reefs: a new generic record for the Tropical Northwestern Pacific and the description of four new species from Guam. PLoS ONE 16: e0259336.
  792. MOLES, J., CUNHA, T. J., LEMER, S., COMBOSCH, D. J., & GIRIBET, G. 2021. Tightening the girdle: Phylotranscriptomics of Polyplacophora. Journal of Molluscan Studies 87(2): eyab019
  793. VOOLSTRA, C. R., QUIGLEY, K. M., DAVIES, S. W., PARKINSON, J. E., PEIXOTO, R. S., ARANDA, M., BAKER, A. C., BARNO, A. R., BARSHIS, D. J., BENZONI, F., BONITO, V., BOURNE, D .G., BUITRAGO-LÓPEZ, C., BRIDGE, T. C. L., CHAN, C. X., COMBOSCH, D. J., CRAGGS, J., FROMMLET, J. C., HERRERA, S., QUATTRINI, A. M., RÖTHIG, T., REIMER, J. D., RUBIO-PORTILLO, E., SUGGETT, D. J., VILLELA, H., ZIEGLER, M., & SWEET, M. 2021. Consensus guidelines for advancing coral holobiont genome and specimen voucher deposition. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:1029.
  794. WEPFER, P. H., NAKAJIMA, Y., SUTTHACHEEP, M., RADICE, V. Z., RICHARDS, Z., ANG, P., TERRANEO, T., FUJIMURA, A. G., TOONEN, R. J., MIKHEYEV, A. S., MITARAI, S., ECONOMO, E. P. 2021. Inclusivity is key to progressing coral biodiversity research: Reply to comment by Bonito et al. (2021). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 162:107135, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107135
  795. BUDD, A. M., SCHILS, T., LYONS, M. B., COOPER, M. K., MILLS, M. S., HUERLIMANN, R., DEINHART, M. E., LE PORT, A., & STRUGNELL, J. M. 2022. Monitoring threatened species with environmental DNA and open ecological data: local distribution and habitat preferences of scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini). Biological Conservation: in review.
  796. DEINHART, M., MILLS, M., & SCHILS, T. 2022. Community assessment of crustose calcifying red algae as preferred coral recruitment substrates. PLoS One: in review.
  797. DEMEULENAERE, E., SCHILS, T., BURLEIGH, G. J., RINGELBERG, J. J., KOENEN, E. J. M., & ICKERT-BOND S. M. 2022. Phylogenomic assessment of the monophyly of Serianthes and its relationship with Falcataria and Wallaceodendron in the wider ingoid clade (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae). PhytoKeys: in review
  798. MILLS, M., DEINHART, M., HEAGY, M. N., & SCHILS, T. 2022. Redefining biogeographic affinities and floristic endemism of small tropical islands as hotspots of crustose calcifying red algal diversity. Frontiers in Marine Science: in review.  
  799. VIEIRA, C., SCHILS, T., KAWAI, H., D’HONDT, S., PAIANO, M. O., SHERWOOD, A. R., DE CLERCK, O., & MAYALEN ZUBIA, M. 2022. Phylogenetic position of Newhousia (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) and the description of N. sumayensis sp. nov. from Guam. Phycologia: accepted.
  800. RAYMUNDO, L. J., ANDERSEN, M. D., MORELAND-OCHOA, C., CASTRO, A., LOCK, C., BURNS, N., TAIJERON, F., COMBOSCH, D., & BURDICK, D. 2022. Conservation and Active Restoration of Guam's Staghorn Acropora Corals. 49 pp.
  801. TAYLOR, B. M., DUENAS, A. E. K., & LANGE, I. D. 2022. Decadal changes in parrotfish assemblages around reefs of Guam, Micronesia. Coral Reefs, 41(6), 1693–1703.
  802. LANG, B. J., CABALLES, C. F., UTHICKE, S., DOLL, P. C., DONELSON, J. M., & PRATCHETT, M. S. 2022. Impacts of ocean warming on the settlement success and post-settlement survival of Pacific crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris). Coral Reefs, 42(1), 143–155.
  803. DOLL, P. C., CABALLES, C. F., HOEY, A. S., UTHICKE, S., LING, S. D., & PRATCHETT, M. S. 2022. Larval Settlement in Echinoderms: A Review of Processes and Patterns. CRC Press eBooks, 433–494.
  804. RAYMUNDO, M., CABALLES, C. F., MAYFIELD, M. M., & HOCK, K. 2022. Informed selection of corridors through network and graph analyses to enhance dispersal potential through an agricultural matrix. Landscape Ecology, 38(2), 449–461.
  805. ANDERSON, L., MCLEAN, M., HOUK, P., GRAHAM, C., KANEMOTO, K., TERK, E., MCLEOD, E., & BEGER, M. 2022. Co-variation of fish and coral traits in relation to habitat type and fishery status. Coral Reefs, 42(2), 279–284.
  806. TRIANNI, M. S., DEMARTINI, E. E., & TAYLOR, B. M. 2023. Life history characteristics and status of the Pacific yellowtail emperor, Lethrinus atkinsoni (Seale 1910), in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Aquaculture Fish and Fisheries, 3(2), 165–174.
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  809. ANTHONY, C. J., TAN, K. C., PITT, K. A., BENTLAGE, B., & AMES, C. L. 2023. Leveraging Public Data to Predict Global Niches and Distributions of Rhizostome Jellyfishes. Animals, 13(10), 1591.
  810. DECKER, S. H., HIROSE, M., LEMER, S., KUKLINSKI, P., SPENCER, H. G., SMITH, A. M., & SCHWAHA, T. 2023. Boring bryozoans: an investigation into the endolithic bryozoan family Penetrantiidae. Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 23(4), 743–785.
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  812. VIEIRA, L. S., VAZ, D. F., & NETTO-FERREIRA, A. L. 2023. Ontogeny of the swim bladder of the Plainfin Midshipman, Porichthys notatus (Percomorphacea: Batrachoidiformes). Zoology, 159, 126102.
  813. WEIGMANN, S., VAZ, D. F. B., AKHILESH, K. V., LEENEY, R. H., & NAYLOR, G. J. P. 2023. Revision of the Western Indian Ocean Angel Sharks, Genus Squatina (Squatiniformes, Squatinidae), with Description of a New Species and Redescription of the African Angel Shark Squatina africana Regan, 1908. Biology, 12(7), 975.
  814. LEIVA, C., PÉREZ-PORTELA, R., & LEMER, S. 2023. Genomic signatures suggesting adaptation to ocean acidification in a coral holobiont from volcanic CO2 seeps. Communications Biology, 6(1).
  815. LASLEY, R., EVANS, N., PAULAY, G., UYENO, D., & CARVALHO, S. 2023. First record of the Harlequin crab Lissocarcinus orbicularis, an obligate symbiont of sea cucumbers, from the Red Sea. Specimen.
  816. ANTHONY, C. J., LOCK, C., & BENTLAGE, B. 2023. Rapid, high-throughput phenotypic profiling of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodiniaceae) using benchtop flow cytometry. PLoS ONE, 18(9), e0290649.
  817. LASLEY, R. M., MENDOZA, J. C. E., & PAULAY, G. 2023. Revision of the Indo-West Pacific crab genus Soliella (Brachyura: Xanthidae: Etisinae): ‘pseudocryptic species’ and basinal speciation. Figshare.
  818. LASLEY, R. M., EVANS, N., PAULAY, G., MICHONNEAU, F., WINDSOR, A., IRWANSYAH, N., & NG, P. K. 2023. Allopatric mosaics in the Indo-West Pacific crab subfamily Chlorodiellinae reveal correlated patterns of sympatry, genetic divergence, and genitalic disparity. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 181, 107710.
  819. TAYLOR, B. M., MCINNIS, A. J., DEINHART, M., KAWAHIGASHI, K., & GOURLEY, J. 2023. Comparative demography of surgeonfishes from the tropical western Pacific. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 34(1), 353–370.
  820. CHANDLER, J. F., BURN, D., CABALLES, C. F., DOLL, P. C., KWONG, S. L. T., LANG, B. J., PACEY, K. I., & PRATCHETT, M. S. 2023. Increasing densities of Pacific crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris) at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, resolved using a novel survey method. Scientific Reports, 13(1).
  821. DOLL, P. C., UTHICKE, S., CABALLES, C. F., DIAZ-PULIDO, G., WAHAB, M. A. A., LANG, B. J., JEONG, S. Y., & PRATCHETT, M. S. 2023. Settlement cue selectivity by larvae of the destructive crown-of-thorns starfish. Biology Letters, 19(1).
  822. DOLL, P. C., UTHICKE, S., CABALLES, C. F., PATEL, F., DEL C GOMEZ CABRERA, M., LANG, B. J., & PRATCHETT, M. S. 2023. Induction of larval settlement in crown-of-thorns starfish is not mediated by conspecific cues. Scientific Reports, 13(1).
  823. LANG, B. J., DONELSON, J. M., BAIROS‐NOVAK, K. R., WHEELER, C. R., CABALLES, C. F., UTHICKE, S., & PRATCHETT, M. S. 2023. Impacts of ocean warming on echinoderms: A meta‐analysis. Ecology and Evolution, 13(8).
  824. PACEY, K. I., CABALLES, C. F., & PRATCHETT, M. S. 2023. Using size-weight relationships to estimate biomass of heavily targeted aquarium corals by Australia’s coral harvest fisheries. Scientific Reports, 13(1).
  825. PRATCHETT, M. S., CABALLES, C. F., HOBBS, J. P. A., DIBATTISTA, J. D., BERGSETH, B., WALDIE, P., CHAMPION, C., CORMACK, S. P. M., & HOEY, A. S. 2023. Variation in the Physiological Condition of Common Coral Trout (Plectropomus leopardus) Unrelated to Coral Cover on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Fishes, 8(10), 497.
  826. ANTHONY, C. J., LOCK, C., TAYLOR, B. M., & BENTLAGE, B. 2023. Cellular plasticity facilitates phenotypic change in a dominant coral’s Symbiodiniaceae assemblage. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11.
  827. COMBOSCH, D. J., BURDICK, D., PRIMOV, K., RIOS, D., RIOS, K., & FERNANDEZ, J. 2024. Barcoding and mitochondrial phylogenetics of Porites corals. PLoS ONE, 19(2), e0290505.
  828. BANSE, M., LECCHINI, D., SABBE, J., HANSSEN, N., DONALDSON, T., IWANKOW, G., LAGANT, A., & PARMENTIER, E. 2024. Production of sounds by squirrelfish during symbiotic relationships with cleaner wrasses. Scientific Reports, 14(1).

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