UOG Sea Grant Accepting Applications for Turtle Education Outreach Interns

UOG Sea Grant Accepting Applications for Turtle Education Outreach Interns

UOG Sea Grant Accepting Applications for Turtle Education Outreach Interns


The University of Guam (UOG) Sea Grant program seeks enthusiastic, curious UOG and Guam Community College (GCC) students for its second Turtle Education Outreach Internship. Applications are due on November 16, 2017, by 5 p.m. UOG and GCC undergraduates can apply for the four-month internship, which includes a $1,000 stipend.

University of GuamInterns will undergo at least 40 hours of training. Through field trips, informational interviewing, and shadowing various professionals, interns learn about careers related to science, natural resource management, and education. They will then do at least 12 presentations for elementary school classes.

The 4-page application can be downloaded at https://www.uog.edu/seagrant/#tab-events. There is no transcript, resume, or letter of recommendation required.

The first cohort of interns, who called themselves the "T-Squad," was able to reach more than 1,600 second and third graders in just two months with their classroom presentations.

"They set the bar extraordinarily high," said Extension Educator Marie Auyong, who piloted the internship last year. "We had team members from different academic disciplines—education, communications, biology—who really complemented each others' skills. They were extremely hard workers and dedicated to doing high-quality outreach."

For more information, email Marie Auyong at auyongm@triton.uog.edu.