Micronesian Educator Journal

Book Review Guidelines

Micronesian Educator Journal

Book Review Guidelines

The Micronesian Educator will publish reviews of books and other media the editors deem of interest to the wider education community in Guam, Micronesia, the Pacific, and beyond. In general, book reviews should be timely; books under review should be recently published, no more than three years from date of publication. However, a writer can argue for the pertinence of reviewing an older “classic” that again demands our attention today. The editors will publish up to six book reviews per issue provided they are thoughtful and well-written.

Reviews should be double-spaced, and typically (671) 800-1500 words, although quality is more important than length.

  • Title, author(s)
  • Publisher, ISBN
  • Number of pages, price
  • Reviewed by [name, institution/affiliation, email address]
  • Synopsis of the author(s)' intent, intended audience, and argument
  • Critical evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of the publication

Reviews should communicate to readers the scope of the book's content, assess its major points and contributions, and provide a reasoned judgment about its worth. In keeping with proper scholarly method, any critique should be directed at an author's work. Reviews that contain materials considered to be directed towards an author's character or that are considered to be potentially libelous will be rejected. Micronesian Educator welcomes reviewers' opinions about the publication being reviewed, but insists that those opinions be supported with examples or other evidence.

The Book Review Editor will accept reviews as submitted, return them with suggestions for revision, or reject them as unacceptable. For sample book reviews, please view Micronesian Educator #26 (accessible online).

To receive full consideration, completed book reviews (as Word documents) must be sent to the editors:

Dr. Mary Jane Miller at mjmiller@triton.uog.edu
Dr. Christopher Schreiner at cschreiner@triton.uog.edu