WPTRC | Weather Stations

Western Pacific Tropical Research Center | Weather Stations

Weather Stations

The Soil Lab of the Western Pacific Tropical Research Center manages weather stations at each of the three agricultural experiment stations: Yigo, Ija, and Inarajan. These stations measure and collect weather data every 10 minutes for that specific area. 

Data collected includes wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation, pressure, rainfall, evaporation, and dew point. The raw data is converted into easy-to-understand information that farmers and local residents can access at the links below:

The data is kept online for 180 days. Residents may request for older data by emailing soillab@triton.uog.edu.

Soil Testing Lab

Clancy T. Iyekar, M.S.
Agriculture & Life Sciences Bldg., Room 216
Email: soillab@triton.uog.edu
Phone: (671) 735-2143