Disability Support Services
Disability Support Services
Disability Support Services
ADA Mission Statement
The University of Guam (UOG) is committed to achieving equal opportunity and full participation of persons with disabilities by providing for non-discriminatory access to its services and facilities through the ADA Office. The Mission of the ADA Office is to ensure non-discriminatory access to all benefits, privileges, opportunities and obligations to faculty, staff, and community members with disabilities and to ensure a process for full compliance by UOG with the ADA of 1990, as amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, taking into account the economic climate and multi-cultural diversity of the institution.
Policy and Procedure for Students with a Disability
(BOR Resolution No. 04-32. October 28, 2004, superseded by BOR Resolution No. 10-11, April 22, 2010)
General Policy
In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the University does not discriminate against students and applicants on the basis of disability in the administration of its educational and other programs. The University will reasonably accommodate individuals with disabilities, as defined by applicable law, if the individual is otherwise qualified to meet the fundamental requirements and aspects of the program of the University, without undue hardship to the University. Harassment on the basis of disability issues is prohibited.
Policy Regarding Reasonable Accommodation
The University offers reasonable accommodations for a student who is otherwise qualified, if the accommodation is reasonable, effective and will not alter the fundamental aspect of a University program, nor will otherwise impose an undue hardship of the University, and/or there are not equivalent alternatives. Student are expected to make timely requests for accommodation. If appropriate, the University may choose to consult with such individuals at or outside the University to provide expertise needed to evaluate the request for accommodation.
The Enrollment Management & Student Success office provides reasonable accommodations for students in accordance with the UOG Policy and Procedure for student applicants with a disability. The ADA policy can be found on this website.
Sample Accommodations:
- Priority registration upon request
- Preferred seating at the front of the class or near exits
- Additional time not to exceed double the time for tests/exams
- Additional time not to exceed double the time for completing assignments
- Class lecture outline and/or power point presentation, if available
- A distraction – reduced room for testing
- Excused absences for medical appointments, hospitalization or respite related to disability
Academic Support Services/Tutors:
Undergraduate students with disabilities may use existing tutorial labs and services, which are available to all undergraduate students by the:
- TRIO Programs in the areas of English and Mathematics
- English Lab
- Math Lab
General Information on Documentation of a Disability
Documentation to substantiate a disability and support the request for accommodation(s) must be typed on official letterhead of the diagnosing practitioner. The practitioner must be a licensed and/or certified professional who is qualified to diagnose the stated disability. It must be current for the disability. Sufficient and appropriate disability documentation to support the request for accommodation(s) must have the following components:
State the medical or mental health impairment by a recognizable diagnosis; preferably from the ICD or DSM-IV, most recent revisions.
Date first diagnosed:
Establish an initial date when a diagnosis was made or when the certifying practitioner accepted a previous diagnosis and began treatment or services.
Names of relevant tests and results:
Establish how the practitioner arrived at the diagnosis; this is especially important when the disability is a learning disability, ADD / ADHD, psychological disability, or other disability diagnosed from the DSM-IV.
Severity of disability:
Establish the extent to which the disability substantially limits a major life activity.
Make recommendations based on the above functional and substantial limitations for post-secondary academic and physical accommodations to ameliorate the limitations.
A practitioner's recommendation for a specific accommodation does not guarantee the granting of that accommodation. Accommodations provide access to programs and services and are determined on a case-by-case basis. Once a student's documentation of disability is received will evaluate the documentation to determine its validity. If a student does not have current documentation, the SCAS will provide referral information.
At the discretion of the SCAS Accommodation Disability Services Counselor, accommodations may be granted and provided for a limited time span with incomplete, outdated, or limited documentation. This decision is determined on a case-by-case basis.
External Links
- National Center for College Students with Disabilities
- Online Guide to Scholarships and Resources for Students With Disabilities
- COVID-19 Resources for People with Disabilities
- Coronavirus Resources
- NCCSD Faculty and Instructors Resources
- College & Career Guide for Students with Disabilities
- COVID-19 Information from the National Deaf Center
- Online Instruction Accessibility Tips for Educators
- Finding Success While Learning Differently: Navigating Learning Disabilities in College
- Job Assistance Guide for People with Disabilities
- Sonocent Link - (Free)
- Microsoft OneNote - (Free)
- Evernote - (Free)
- Notability - ($9.99)
- Audio Note - ($9.99)
Notice on accessibility: The University of Guam is currently in the process of converting legacy PDF documents and forms to accessible web pages, documents, and online forms that are WCAG 2.0-compliant. Until this project is completed, the UOG ADA Office is available to provide accessible versions of any such document upon request.
For assistance, please contact the Student Counseling and Advising Services/ADA Office at (671) 735-2460 [Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD) number], or email sssablan@triton.uog.edu Please be prepared to provide the web address or URL of this page, as well as the name of the document you are trying to access.
Sablan S. Sallie
