Branding Guidelines | Typefaces
The official University of Guam typefaces are Roboto Slab, Avenir Next Pro, and Adobe Garamond. Roboto Slab is the typeface used in the official Wordmark. All three are suitable for print, web, and digital reproduction.
ROBOTO SLAB BOLDThis font should only be used for dislpay in headlines and subheads in a design. DO NOT use this font for body copy. |
AVENIR NEXT PRO REGULARThis sans serif font is primarily used for shorter blocks of text. Other styles in this typeface such as Bold and Heavy can be used in headlines. Avenir Next Pro or its substitutes should be the primary typefaces used in official correspondence. |
ADOBE GARAMONDThis serif font should be used for large blocks of text. Serif fonts are easier to read on printed pages. |
Font licenses should be purchased for each computer using the font. To purchase Avenir Next Pro, visit or contact the Office of Marketing and Communications. All other typefaces are available free with your Mac or Windows operating systems.